Assessing Long-Term Seagrass Changes by Integrating a High-Spatial Resolution Image, Historical Aerial Photography and Field Data

Mariana Leon-Perez1, William J Hernandez1 and Roy Armstrong2, (1)University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Department of Marine Sciences, Mayaguez, PR, United States, (2)University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Marine Sciences, Mayaguez, PR, United States
Reported cases of seagrass loss have increased over the last 40 years, increasing the awareness of the need for assessing seagrass health. In situ monitoring has been the main method to assess spatial and temporal changes in seagrass ecosystem. Although remote sensing techniques with multispectral imagery have been recently used for these purposes, long-term analysis is limited to the sensor’s mission life. The objective of this project is to determine long-term changes in seagrass habitat cover at Caja de Muertos Island Nature Reserve, by combining in situ data with a satellite image and historical aerial photography. A current satellite imagery of the WorldView-2 sensor was used to generate a 2014 benthic habitat map for the study area. The multispectral image was pre-processed using: conversion of digital numbers to radiance, and atmospheric and water column corrections. Object-based image analysis was used to segment the image into polygons representing different benthic habitats and to classify those habitats according to the classification scheme developed for this project. The scheme include the following benthic habitat categories: seagrass (sparse, dense and very dense), colonized hard bottom (sparse, dense and very dense), sand and mix algae on unconsolidated sediments. Field work was used to calibrate the satellite-derived benthic maps and to asses accuracy of the final products. In addition, a time series of satellite imagery and historic aerial photography from 1950 to 2014 provided data to assess long-term changes in seagrass habitat cover within the Reserve. Preliminary results show an increase in seagrass habitat cover, contrasting with the worldwide declining trend. The results of this study will provide valuable information for the conservation and management of seagrass habitat in the Caja de Muertos Island Nature Reserve.