Power extraction calculation improvement when local parameters are included
The figure (a) shows the numerical configuration at high tide developed with DIVAST-ADI. The experiment undertakes two open boundary conditions. The first one is a sinusoidal forcing introduced as a water level located at (I, J=1) and the second one, indicate that a zero velocity and a constant water depth were kept (I, J=362); when the turbine is introduced it is placed in the middle of the channel (I=161, J=181). The influence of the turbine in the velocity and elevation around the turbine region is evident; figure (b) and (c) shows that the turbine produces a discontinuity in the depth and velocity profile, when we plot a transect along the channel.
Finally, the configuration implemented reproduced with satisfactory accuracy the quasi-steady flow condition, even without presenting shock-capturing capability. Also, the range of the parameters $0.01<\alpha_4<0.55$, $0<Fr<0.14$ and $B=0.006$ is correct and produce roots for the $\beta_4$ quartic polynomial which fall into the subset input that produce physical admissible solutions. The results call upon continue the calculation of the power extraction, the thrust coefficient and also the water drop, the power lost by the wake mixing and the efficiency of the turbine. The comparison of the power, obtained with the open channel theory, with the one obtained with constant thrust coefficient will let us to determine the improvement that the inclusion of local parameters provide.