Estimating δ15N of remineralized NO3- in water masses of the eastern tropical south Pacific using NO3- isotope measurements from the GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect
Estimating δ15N of remineralized NO3- in water masses of the eastern tropical south Pacific using NO3- isotope measurements from the GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect
Nitrogen and oxygen isotope measurements of nitrate (δ15NNO3 and δ18ONO3, respectively) are useful tools in interpreting biogeochemical modification of water masses. In particular, changes in δ15NNO3 and δ18ONO3 can signify the occurrence of processes such nitrate consumption and remineralization, as well as mixing between water masses. We explored distributions in the parameter Δ(15-18), or δ15NN03 − δ18ON03 , along the GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect. Δ(15-18) values in the deep ocean (3‰), are altered by the addition of NO3- derived from remineralization of organic matter, which has different effects upon the δ15NNO3 and d18ONO3. Elevated Δ(15-18) values (4 to 5‰) were found at ~1000 m across the entire transect. We combined NO3- isotope measurements and a water mass analysis to estimate the δ15N of remineralized NO3- in the upper 1000 m across the zonal transect. The highest estimates of remineralized δ15NNO3 values (~8‰) were associated with Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) in the waters underlying the subtropical gyre where surface NO3- consumption is nearly complete. Closer to the to coast, where NO3- is not entirely consumed at the surface, remineralized δ15NN03 estimates were lower (~4‰) in subsurface waters. Thus, our preliminary results suggest that the elevated Δ(15-18) in AAIW could be driven by elevated δ15N values of remineralized NO3-, rather than decreased δ18ONO3. Elevated Δ(15-18) values (~5 to 7‰) were also observed at ~200 m in the central Pacific, just below the nutrient-poor surface waters. As shown in previous studies, these increased Δ(15-18) values appear to be driven by a decrease in δ18ONO3 relative to δ15NNO3, most likely from complete consumption of NO3- in surface waters and remineralization of organic matter with the same δ15N value as that in subsurface waters and a lower δ18O value close to that of seawater (~0‰).