Wind Stress Variability Observed Over Coastal Waters

David G Ortiz-Suslow1, Brian K Haus2, Nathan Laxague3, Neil J Williams1 and Hans Christian Graber1, (1)University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Miami, FL, United States, (2)University of Miami, RSMAS, Miami, FL, United States, (3)Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Division of Ocean and Climate Physics, Palisades, NY, United States
The wind stress on the ocean surface generates waves, drives currents, and enhances gas exchange; and a significant amount of work has been done to characterize the air-sea momentum flux in terms of bulk oceanographic and atmospheric parameters. However, the majority of this work to develop operational algorithms has been focused on the deep ocean and the suitability of these methods in the coastal regime has not been evaluated. The findings from a two-part field campaign will be presented which highlight the divergence of nearshore wind stress observations from conventional, deep water results. The first set of data comes from a coastal region near a relatively small, natural tidal inlet. A high degree of spatial variability was observed in both the wind stress magnitude and direction, suggestive of coastal processes (e.g., depth-limited wave affects and horizontal current shear) modulating the momentum flux from the atmosphere to the ocean surface. These shallow-water processes are typically not accounted for in conventional parameterizations. Across the experimental domain and for a given wind speed, the stress magnitude was found to be nearly 2.5 times that predicted by conventional methods; also, a high propensity for stress steering off the mean azimuthal wind direction (up to ±70 degrees) was observed and linked to horizontal current gradients produced by the tidal inlet. The preliminary findings from a second data set taken in the vicinity of the macrotidal Columbia River Mouth will also be presented. Compared to the first data set, a similar degree of variability is observed here, but the processes responsible for this are present at a much larger scale. Specifically, the Columbia River Mouth observations were made in the presence of significant swell wave energy and during periods of very high estuarine discharge. The relative angle between the wind and swell direction is expected to be significant with regards to the observed momentum flux. Also, these processes facilitate strong wave-current interaction, which may also affect the surface topography and thus play a role in air-sea exchanges. The Columbia River Mouth system showcases a complex coastal environment and future avenues for investigating these dynamics will be discussed.