Wintertime atmospheric response to decadal SST anomalies in the North Pacific frontal zone and its relationship to dominant atmospheric internal variability

Satoru Okajima1, Hisashi Nakamura2, Kazuaki Nishii3, Takafumi Miyasaka2, Akira Kuwano-Yoshida4 and Bunmei Taguchi5, (1)Reserch Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, (2)University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Japan, (3)The University of Tokyo, RCAST, Tokyo, Japan, (4)Kyoto University, Disaster Protection Research Institution, Shirahama, Japan, (5)JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Kanagawa, Japan
A decadal-scale warm SST anomaly observed in the North Pacific subarctic frontal zone (SAFZ) tends to accompany a basin-scale anticyclonic anomaly in the troposphere that peaks in January. A set of sensitivity experiments conducted with an AGCM simulates an anticyclonic ensemble response over the North Pacific in January. As observed, the simulated anticyclonic response is in equivalent barotropic structure and maintained mainly through energy conversion from the ensemble mean circulation realized under the climatological SST, suggesting that the anomaly may have a characteristic of a dynamical mode. Conversion of both available potential energy (APE) and kinetic energy (KE) from the mean flow is important for the observed anomaly, while only the former is important for the model response. This is because the model response is located to the north of the jet core region whereas the observed anomaly is straddling the jet exit region, which appears to be in correspondence to the northwestward displacement of the center of the dominant atmospheric internal variability in our model relative to the observed center. Transient eddy feedback forcing also acts to maintain the observed anomaly rather efficiently, while its efficiency is much lower for the simulated response, which seems to be consistent with the poleward displacement of the anticyclonic response from the jet and stormtrack axes. A multi-decadal integration of our coupled GCM also suggests that atmospheric internal variability may be important for determining atmospheric response to the decadal SST variability of the SAFZ.