Seasonal Diversity Patterns of a Coastal Synechococcus Population

Kristen Rachel Hunter-Cevera1, Anya M Waite2, Michael Neubert2, Kasia Hammar3 and Anton Post1, (1)University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, Narragansett, RI, United States, (2)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States, (3)Marine Biological Laboratory, Josephine Bay Paul Center, Woods Hole, MA, United States
Understanding how environmental and ecological factors determine phytoplankton species abundances requires knowledge of the diversity present within a population. For the important primary producer Synechococcus, clades demonstrate differences in temperature tolerance, light acclimation, grazer palatability, and more. Marine Synechococcus populations are often composed of more than one clade, and overall population dynamics will be governed by the types of cells present and by their individual physiological capabilities. We investigate the diversity of the Synechococcus assemblage at the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory with high-throughput sequencing of the V6 hypervariable region of the 16S rRNA gene. Small nucleotide differences within this region allow for resolution of distinct phylotypes that can have a direct correspondence to the well-defined Synechococcus clades. From a three-year time series, we find that the Synechococcus population is dominated by 5 distinct phylotypes, and that each type exhibits a repeatable, seasonal pattern in relative abundance. We use compositional data analysis techniques to investigate the relationships between these patterns and environmental factors. We further interpret these patterns in the context of Synechococcus population dynamics assessed by automated, submersible flow cytometry (FlowCytobot). Observed diel changes in cell size distributions, coupled with a validated matrix population model, provide estimates of in situ population division rates. We find strong evidence that the main seasonal diversity patterns are governed by temperature, but that biological loss agents likely shape the diversity structure for certain times of year. For some phylotypes, relative abundance patterns are also related to light and nutrients. The composition of Synechococcus over the annual cycle appears to directly affect seasonal features of cell abundance patterns, such as the spring bloom.