Time-resolved and Depth-dependent Photo-Degradation of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter Analyzed by Semi-continuous EEM Fluorescence Monitoring
Time-resolved and Depth-dependent Photo-Degradation of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter Analyzed by Semi-continuous EEM Fluorescence Monitoring
Ten liter water samples were collected at the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series Station (BATS) at 200 m intervals down to a maximum depth of 4530 m and solid-phase extracted. The methanol extracts were dried and re-dissolved in pure water and then used to determine the time-resolved photo-degradation of marine dissolved organic matter to be able to determine kinetic data. Excitation Emission Matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectra were recorded every 20 minutes using a custom-built flow-through photo-degradation system during 20 h of solar simulated light exposure. The resulting EEM spectra were modeled using Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) and results revealed reproducible and significant changes in the photo-degradation of marine FDOM originating from different depths. A five component model was fitted and the terrestrial-like components showed the expected high photo-reactivity, but surprisingly, the traditional marine-like peak showed slight photo-production in the surface layer, which might be the reason for its prevalence in the open ocean. Surface ocean waters were depleted in the highly photo-degradable components while protein-like fluorescent components were enriched, which was in agreement with previous studies. Ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry confirmed unique aliphatic molecular ions in the Surface Ocean and hydrogen-deficient molecules at depth. Multivariate statistical analyses revealed strong correlations between unsaturated/aromatic molecular ions and depth, where aliphatic molecular ions were more prevalent in the Surface Ocean and aromatic molecular ions at depth. Strong correlations were also found between hydrogen-deficient molecular ions and the humic-like fluorescent components. The rapid photo-degradation of the deep-sea FDOM and the surface oceans relative depletion of aromatic molecular ions suggested that deep-ocean FDOM may be too photochemically labile to survive meridional overturning circulation.