The Adaptive Ecosystem Climatology (AEC): Implementation
Ocean properties available from the coupled model and satellite imagery include primary ecosystem components (temperature, salinity, sea surface height, currents, plankton, and chlorophyll). We have built a three-dimensional, dynamically balanced, gridded, static climatology for each calendar day, employing data for the period 1980-2012. Using the static climatology as a background ‘first guess’, recent observations (satellite or in situ) are assimilated to adjust the climatology toward current conditions, to provide updated, representative fields (adaptive climatology).
AEC can be used to examine mean conditions, to analyze available observations, or as input and boundary conditions to many types of models (conceptual, statistical, water-quality, biogeochemical, production, mass-balance energy flow models, individual-based, and multispecies models with explicit species interaction terms, sophisticated end-to-end models, etc.). We demonstrate the utility of AEC using an individual-based, multispecies model configured for high-trophic level groups of fish and invertebrate species on the West Florida Shelf.