Estimation of methane flux from fish ponds of southwestern Taiwan 

Kuo-Hao Huang, National Sun Yat-sen University, Department of Oceanography, Kaohsiung, Taiwan and Chin-chang Hung, NSYSU National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
CH4 is one of the trace gases in the atmosphere, but it is an important greenhouse gas, with 15 times more effective than CO2 absorbing infrared radiation capability. To date, scientists generally consider that the methane production is mainly from livestock farming, such as pigs and cattle, but the source of methane emission from aquaculture ponds have been ignored. Due to overfishing in the ocean, aquaculture fishery in coastal zone has been increasing globally and the methane emission from those fish ponds has seldom been studied. To better evaluate the emission of methane from fish ponds, we measured methane concentrations in both atmosphere and fish ponds of the southwestern Taiwan from March to September in 2015. Besides an extremely high flux (829 mmol/m2/d), the fluxes of methane in different fish ponds ranged from 19 to 725 μmol/m2/d, which is lower than the global mean value of lakes (2.7 mmol/m2/d). The low methane fluxes during sampling period may be due to non-harvest season, because when the harvest season comes, the higher trophic status will appear, and there will be more organic matter supply for methanogenesis. Currently, we have no idea where the extremely high methane flux comes from. We will try to measure C-isotopes to understand the sources of highest methane fluxes. Overall, the preliminary results provide substantive evidence that methane emission from aquaculture ponds could be an important source and it needs long-term investigations.