Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent kinetic energy budget affected by the wavy wall

Shuang Li, Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Institute of Physical Oceanography, Zhoushan, China and Jianzhong Ge, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
Turbulence over wavy surface is of interest in flux and transport exchange between the interfaces. A three-dimensional non-hydrostatic large eddy simulation model is used to investigate that how does the wavy wall affect the turbulent kinetic energy budget redistribution. Two observations are modeled: one is laboratory experiments conduct by Poggi et al. 1997 (LES_P07); the other is the Duck94 field experiment (LES_D94). First, main laboratory result that captures most of the variability in the nonlinear advective acceleration in LES_P07 is confirmed. Three-dimensional turbulence kinetic energy budget are investigate, which is not include in two-dimensional experiments. Transport term show the most significant affect by the wavy topography in the flume than the other six terms. LES_D94 reproduced the field observation result that the turbulent kinetic energy is largest under the wave crest and decreases over the decelerating flow phase. However, more sensitivity tests of model results find that even the turbulence kinetic energy budget locally balanced maximum turbulence kinetic energy could be found in the middle of though of the wavy wall. Relations of turbulence kinetic energy budget with non-dimensional wave slopes of the wavy wall are discussed in the end using the model results.