Observation impact studies with the Mercator Ocean analysis and forecasting systems

Elisabeth D Remy1, Pierre-Yves Le Traon1, Jean-Michel Lellouche2, Marie Drevillon1, Victor Turpin1 and Mounir Benkiran3, (1)Mercator Océan, Ramonville St Agne, France, (2)Mercator Océan, Ramonville Saint Agne, France, (3)Mercator Ocean, D&D, Ramonvile St-Agne, France
Mercator Ocean produces and delivers in real-time ocean analysis and forecasts on a daily basis. The quality of the analysis highly relies on the availability and quality of the assimilated observations.
Tools are developed to estimate the impact of the present network and to help designing the future evolutions of the observing systems in the context of near real time production of ocean analysis and forecasts. OSE and OSSE are the main approaches used in this context. They allow the assessment of the efficiency of a given data set to constrain the ocean model circulation through the data assimilation process. Illustrations will mainly focus on the present and future evolution of the Argo observation network and altimetry constellation, including the potential impact of future SWOT data. Our systems show clear sensitivities to observation array changes, mainly depending on the specified observation error and regional dynamic. Impact on non observed variables can be important and are important to evaluate. Dedicated diagnostics has to be define to measure the improvements bring by each data set.
Alternative approaches to OSE and OSSE are also explored: approximate computation of DFS will be presented and discussed. Limitations of each approach will be discussed in the context of real time operation.