An Integrated Energetics Approach to Modeling Oceanic Planetary Boundary Layer Mixing
This talk presents a new approach to modeling mixing in the ocean’s surface boundary layer that combines strengths of all three of these traditional approaches to boundary layer mixing. The mixing is determined based on an integrated implicit energy balance equation (similar to a bulk mixed layer) but with finite diffusivities (similar to KPP or a two-equation closure). Central to this is new approach is the use of a TKE budget to balance the implicit potential energy changes throughout the water column due to the finite diffusivity at each point. The exact boundary layer depth is unimportant with this scheme, but the rates of mixing across model interfaces near the base of a mixed layer are carefully constrained by the energetics. The resulting scheme is remarkably insensitive to model resolution, gives a reasonable solution in a variety of idealized one-dimensional test cases, and works well in tests with NOAA/GFDL’s new CM4 coupled climate model. The robustness and generalizability of this integrated energetics approach to modeling mixing in the ocean’s surface boundary layer make it very promising for use in large-scale ocean modeling.