Deepwater Nitrogen Fixation: Who's Doing it, Where, and Why?

Joseph Peter Montoya, Georgia Institute of Technology Main Campus, Atlanta, GA, United States, Sarah C. Weber, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW), Biological Oceanography, Warnemünde, Germany, Angela Vogts, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Rostock, Germany, Maren Voss, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemuende (IOW), Biological Oceanography, Rostock, Germany, Matthew Saxton, Univ Georgia, Athens, GA, United States and Samantha Benton Joye, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States
Nitrogen availability frequently limits marine primary production and N2-fixation plays an important role in supporting biological production in surface waters of many oligotrophic regions. Although subsurface waters typically contain high concentrations of nitrate and other nutrients, measurements from a variety of oceanic settings show measurable, and at times high rates of N2-fixation in deep, dark waters below the mixed layer. We have explored the distribution of N2-fixation throughout the water column of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) during a series of cruises beginning shortly after the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) spill in 2010 and continuing at roughly annual intervals. These cruises allowed us to sample oligotrophic waters across a range of depths, and to explore the connections between the C and N cycles mediated by release of oil and gas (petrocarbon) from natural seeps as well as anthropogenic sources (e.g., the DWH). We used stable isotope abundances (15N and 13C) in particles and zooplankton in combination with experimental measurements of N2-fixation and CH4 assimilation to assess the contribution of oil- and gas-derived C to the pelagic food web, and the impact of CH4 releases on the pelagic C and N cycles. Our isotopic measurements document the movement of petrocarbon into the pelagic food web, and our experiments revealed that high rates of N2-fixation were widespread in deep water immediately after the DWH incident, and restricted to the vicinity of natural seeps in subsequent years. Unfortunately, these approaches provided no insight into the organisms actually responsible for N2-fixation and CH4-assimilation. We used nano-scale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (nanoSIMS) to image the organisms responsible for these processes, and molecular approaches to explore the diversity of methanotrophs and diazotrophs present in the system. The ability to resolve isotopic distributions on the scale of individual cells is a critical part of bridging the gap between molecular approaches that identify organisms, and biogeochemical techniques that allow us to measure the activity of communities.