In-situ Geotechnical Investigation of Arctic Nearshore Zone Sediments, Herschel Island, Yukon

Nina Stark1, Brandon Quinn1, Boris Radosavljevic2 and Hugues Lantuit2, (1)Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States, (2)Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Center for Polar and Marine Research Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
The Arctic is currently undergoing rapid changes with regard to ice coverage, permafrost retreat and coastal erosion. In addition to hydrodynamic processes, the sediments in the Arctic nearshore zone are affected by potential variations in freeze-thaw cycles, as well as an increase of abundant suspended sediment introduced by active retrogressive thaw slumps and increased river discharge. During the YUKON14 expedition to Herschel Island, Yukon, in-situ geotechnical testing of nearshore zone sediments was conducted using a portable free fall penetrometer. The research goals were mapping of sediment types, identification of surficial sediment stratification related to recent sediment remobilization or deposition processes, and the investigation of the soil mechanical characteristics of the uppermost seabed surface in the nearshore zone. Approximately 200 sites were tested using the portable free fall penetrometer, and five different geotechnical signatures identified and grouped. Most locations were characterized by a soft sediment top layer that exhibited a noticeably lower sediment strength than the underlying sediment. The results were correlated to existing sediment grain size records and a sediment type interpretation based on side scan sonar backscatter information. Strong spatial variations in sediment type and stiffness were observed, as well as in abundance and thickness of a top layer of very soft and loose sediment. It was attempted to relate the geotechnical signature to site-specific hydrodynamic energy, morphology, and vicinity to thaw slumps. The results will contribute to a detailed investigation of Arctic coastal erosion in the region, and the investigation of the role of geotechnical parameters for Arctic coastal erosion.