Hydrodynamic Mediation of Killifish Predation on Infaunal Polychaetes

Brian T Hentschel1, Nicholas T Hayman1 and Todd Anderson2, (1)San Diego State University, Biology, San Diego, CA, United States, (2)University of Washington, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Seattle, WA, United States
To explore predator-prey interactions between California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis) and spionid polychaetes (Polydora cornuta and Streblospio benedicti) in tidal creeks, we conducted a laboratory flume experiment to quantify whether killifish prey-patch selectivity varies with flow speed. The flume included a 300-cm2 area of defaunated sediment within which we centrally positioned 24 P. cornuta, 24 S. benedicti, or no worms as a prey-free control. We videotaped groups of three killifish for 50 min at one of six unidirectional flow speeds (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, or 18 cm/s measured 1.5 cm above bottom) and recorded their bite rate anywhere in the sediment area vs. bites directed at the central prey patch (98 cm2). Each flow speed and prey treatment was replicated by four independent flume runs (i.e., 72 total flume runs). The percentage of bites directed at the central patch varied significantly with flow speed and worm presence. With defaunated sediment only, ~ 33% of bites were directed at the central patch at all flow speeds, consistent with a null model of non-selective foraging. When either worm species inhabited the central patch, ~ 65% of bites were directed at the central patch at 3 and 6 cm/s, and patch selectivity declined linearly as flow increased. Despite differences in morphology and behavior, the two prey species elicited similar foraging activity by killifish. We pooled the P. cornuta and S. benedicti treatments to determine the flow speed at which prey-patch selectivity by killifish became statistically indistinguishable from non-selective biting in the absence of prey. At flow speeds of 3, 6, and 9 cm/s, the percentage of bites located in the 98-cm2 patch was significantly greater when live worms were present compared to the prey-free controls. At 12, 15, and 18 cm/s, there was not a significant difference between the control patches and those containing live worms, indicating 12 cm/s is a flow threshold above which killifish cannot selectively forage on dense patches of infauna.