Massive Open Online Grants (MOOG's): Connecting hundreds of thousands with ocean science by allowing the public to vote on research grants
Massive Open Online Grants (MOOG's): Connecting hundreds of thousands with ocean science by allowing the public to vote on research grants
We know that universities who host Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC's) are driving deep global engagement by allowing the public to enrol in open and free quality course online. At, we have pioneered the development of 'Massive Open Online Grants or MOOG's, which allow research organizations & societies to host open grants, prizes & contests that allows the public to vote, connect & engage with high quality research for the first time. In order to reach a wide audience, researchers create short video summaries of their work that allows anyone to learn, vote, share and connect with research important to them. We have found this to help both research organizations and researchers reach a wide audience to demonstrate public impact & innovation, drive collaborative partnerships and raise public funding for their research. In this talk, I will outline our experience in developing MOOG's and the immense future opportunities to revolutionize how high-quality research engages with society by using technology to empower deep connections between ocean researchers & the wider public.