Evolution of the 2011 Mississippi River Peak Flood Plume from Coincident Satellite and Airborne L-band Radiometer Surface Salinity Observations.


Airborne mapping of Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) with L-band radiometers has been practiced for 20 yrs., while global satellite observations began with the European Space Agency's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Satellite launch in 2009. Airborne data with high (~1km) resolution, but limited coverage, complement the lower resolution (~35 km at nadir) but global coverage and 3-5 day revisit of SMOS.

The record June, 2011 Mississippi R. peak flood, with flows exceeding 42,500 m^3/s, required diversions into Lake Pontchartrain and the Atchafalaya R. to avoid flooding New Orleans and Baton Rouge. The resulting merged outflows formed a single freshwater plume that spanned the Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas ‘Gulf Coast’, and reached up to 300 km across the shelf. SSS was mapped by the NRL airborne Salinity Temperature and Roughness Remote Scanner (STARRS) and SMOS radiometers during a two week (2-13 June 2011) campaign immediately following the flood crest. STARRS obtained oblique across-shelf transects spanning the Northern Gulf of Mexico, under-flying SMOS, and shorter zig-zag coastal transects.

SSS samples from a ship near the shelf edge agreed well with STARRS and SMOS after applying standard geophysical correction models and roughness corrections from an SSA/SPM E-M model and an advanced wave spectrum. The minimum SMOS footprint size (35 km at nadir), produced a coastal data gap filled by STARRS transects that reached the coast. The ~200 km overlap between the two sensors along coincident ground tracks agreed closely near the frontal boundary, with salinity contrasts of 7-15 psu over a 10 km span at the plume edge evident in both data sets.

Successive SMOS Level 2 (L2) SSS data swaths obtained at 2-5 day intervals showed the evolution of the plume in three well-separated seaward extensions located near the Mississippi Delta, and well east and west of the Delta. The dispersal of the plume was also detected by SMOS following the airborne campaign.