Massively Parallel Transport Model for Radioactivity from Produced Water on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
duced water which is enriched in radioactive nuclides like 226Ra. A mas-
sively parallel Lagrangian particle model has been implemented, and used
to simulate the transport of 226Ra from all produced water sources on the
Norwegian continental shelf over a period of 5 years. We have considered
two scenarios; one where all 226Ra is released as dissolved matter, and
one where 226Ra is released as solid matter bound in the lattice of BaSO4 .
Concentrations in the water column, and deposition to sediments have
been calculated.
We find that when 226Ra is released as dissolved matter, radioactive
concentrations fall off rapidly with distance from the release site, although
for some platforms concentration levels about 1mBq/L persist for some
kilometres. When 226Ra is released in solid form, concentrations in sed-
iments are found to reach up to 15 Bq/kg. With resuspension and re-
deposition of sediments over time, concentrations could potentially reach
much higher levels than this.
When simulating on the order of 100 simultaneous releases, over a pe-
riod of many years, the required number of Lagrangian particles becomes
very large. By using a parallel model, and running the simulations on a
cluster, simulations with hundreds of millions, or even billions, of particles
can be carried out efficiently.