Asymmetric progradation of a coastal mangrove forest, Cù Lao Dung, Vietnam: sediment dynamics to stratigraphy
Timeseries of wave, current, CTD, and suspended-sediment data were collected simultaneously in both the SW and NE study sites over a spring-neap cycle during the two dominant seasonal conditions: high river discharge during the SW monsoon, and low river discharge during the NE monsoon. These observations show that conditions in the SW mangrove forest are consistently more energetic than in the NE forest, and that the system as a whole is more energetic during the NE monsoon when winds and waves are more intense. Surface grain size reflects this gradient in energy between sites and seasons, with the coarsest sediment found in the SW area during the energetic SW monsoon. Net sediment import into the SW mangrove forest, and export from the NE forest was observed during both seasonal conditions. Profiles of 210Pb in cores suggest that sediment accumulates roughly twice as quickly in the SW mangrove region as in the NE region. This dataset allows evaluation of the mechanisms that contribute to sediment accumulation or erosion including wave characteristics, circulation, and sediment availability, which control the trajectory of mangrove shorelines.