Heat uptake in the Southern Ocean in a warmer, windier world: a process-based analysis using an AOGCM with an eddy-permitting ocean
Heat uptake in the Southern Ocean in a warmer, windier world: a process-based analysis using an AOGCM with an eddy-permitting ocean
About 90% of the anthropogenic increase in heat stored in the climate system is found the oceans. Therefore it is relevant to understand the details of ocean heat uptake. Here we present a detailed, process-based analysis of ocean heat uptake (OHU) processes in HiGEM1.2, an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM) with an eddy-permitting ocean component of 1/3° resolution. Similarly to various other models, HiGEM1.2 shows that the global heat budget is dominated by a downward advection of heat compensated by upward isopycnal diffusion. This upward isopycnal diffusion of heat is located mostly in the Southern Ocean (Fig. 1a).
We compare the responses to a 4xCO2 forcing and an enhancement of the windstress forcing in the Southern Ocean. In line with the CMIP5 models, HiGEM1.2 shows a band of strong OHU in the mid-latitude Southern Ocean in the 4xCO2 run, which is mostly advective. By contrast, in the high-latitude Southern Ocean regions it is the suppression of convection that leads to OHU (Fig. 1b). In the enhanced windstress run, convection is strengthened at high Southern latitudes (Fig. 1c), leading to heat loss, while the magnitude of the OHU in the Southern mid-latitudes is very similar to the 4xCO2 results. Remarkably, there is only very small global OHU in the enhanced windstress run. The wind stress forcing just leads to a redistribution of heat.
We relate the ocean changes at high southern latitudes to the effect of climate change on the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). It weakens in the 4xCO2 run and strengthens in the wind stress run. The weakening is due to a narrowing of the ACC, caused by an expansion of the Weddell Gyre, and a flattening of the isopycnals, which are explained by a combination of the wind stress forcing and increased precipitation.
The presentation will also try to clarify the definitions of terms like “advective”, “diffusive” and “eddy-induced” when used for observed and modelled (at various resolutions) ocean heat uptake processes.
Fig. 1: Horizontally averaged temperature tendency diagnostics for the high-latitude Southern Ocean, for (a) the control run, (b) the 4xCO2 anomalies and (c) the windstress anomalies. Both axes are scaled according to a power law. “VM”- vertical mixing, which includes convection (“conv”).

We compare the responses to a 4xCO2 forcing and an enhancement of the windstress forcing in the Southern Ocean. In line with the CMIP5 models, HiGEM1.2 shows a band of strong OHU in the mid-latitude Southern Ocean in the 4xCO2 run, which is mostly advective. By contrast, in the high-latitude Southern Ocean regions it is the suppression of convection that leads to OHU (Fig. 1b). In the enhanced windstress run, convection is strengthened at high Southern latitudes (Fig. 1c), leading to heat loss, while the magnitude of the OHU in the Southern mid-latitudes is very similar to the 4xCO2 results. Remarkably, there is only very small global OHU in the enhanced windstress run. The wind stress forcing just leads to a redistribution of heat.
We relate the ocean changes at high southern latitudes to the effect of climate change on the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). It weakens in the 4xCO2 run and strengthens in the wind stress run. The weakening is due to a narrowing of the ACC, caused by an expansion of the Weddell Gyre, and a flattening of the isopycnals, which are explained by a combination of the wind stress forcing and increased precipitation.
The presentation will also try to clarify the definitions of terms like “advective”, “diffusive” and “eddy-induced” when used for observed and modelled (at various resolutions) ocean heat uptake processes.
Fig. 1: Horizontally averaged temperature tendency diagnostics for the high-latitude Southern Ocean, for (a) the control run, (b) the 4xCO2 anomalies and (c) the windstress anomalies. Both axes are scaled according to a power law. “VM”- vertical mixing, which includes convection (“conv”).