Environmental Controls of Shellfish-Toxigenic Vibrio Bacteria in Oregon’s Coasts and Estuaries

Mary Rose Gradoville1, Claudia Häse1,2 and Angelicque E White3, (1)Oregon State University, Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Corvallis, OR, United States, (2)Oregon State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Corvallis, OR, United States, (3)Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, United States
Vibrio species are a known and persistent concern for economically important aquaculture efforts. In Pacific Northwest shellfish hatcheries, vibriosis, caused by toxigenic Vibrio, has been responsible for major mortality events in recent decades — events that are often irregular and unpredictable. The success of shellfish hatcheries is critically linked to the chemical and biological composition of their seawater resources; thus, it is pertinent to understand the biogeochemical drivers of toxigenic Vibrio in their planktonic state. Recent evidence suggests that vibriosis outbreaks in Netarts Bay, Oregon may be related to wind-driven coastal upwelling, either through the advection of toxigenic Vibrio residing in upwelling source water, or through the creation of favorable growth conditions within the estuary. Here, we present data tracking shellfish-toxigenic Vibrio bacteria in Oregon estuaries and coastal waters through the 2015 upwelling season. Estuarine samples were collected from Netarts Bay and Yaquina Bay in May-October 2015 over a range of upwelling intensities, tidal heights, and biogeochemical conditions. Additionally, samples were collected at multiple depths from offshore coastal Oregon stations in order to test the hypothesis that toxigenic Vibrio reside in upwelling source waters. PCR-based methods were used to quantify the known shellfish pathogen V. coralliilyticus in estuary and seawater samples. These toxigenic Vibrio abundances were correlated to local environmental conditions, including temperature, salinity, carbonate chemistry, nutrients, and chlorophyll a concentrations, as well as coastal wind stress and upwelling intensity. Our analysis aims to define the environmental controls of toxigenic Vibrio in their free-living oceanic state, information that can be used to prevent future disease outbreaks in local shellfish hatcheries.