Modeling Motu: Using hydrodynamic modeling to parameterize morphodynamic interactions between reef flats and reef islands

Andrew D Ashton1, Alejandra C Ortiz1, Jorge Lorenzo-Trueba2 and Jeffrey P Donnelly3, (1)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States, (2)Montclair State University, Earth and Environmental Studies, Montclair, NJ, United States, (3)WHOI, Woods Hole, MA, United States
Between the deep open ocean and backing lagoon, atolls and barrier reefs are comprised of a series of linked environments, from the coral-dominated and carbonate-producing fore-reef, the shallow reef flat typically consisting of sediment and/or concreted carbonate, to, in some cases, detrital reef islands. Using the hydrodynamic components of the XBeach model, we have developed a consistent conceptual model that can be used to explain the development of a constant-depth reef flat that subsequently extends lagoonward as sediment is produced at the reef edge. As reef flats widen, shear stresses are minimized mid-flat, which could lead to the development of incipient islands that form at a distance from the ocean. Emergent islands block across-reef flow, and subsequently are expected to prograde seawards until reaching a steady-state distance from the shore. To quantify this conceptual model, and to better understand how interconnected reef systems may respond to climate change effects, including sea-level rise, change in storminess, and different carbonate production rates, we use XBeach model results spanning a variety of forcing conditions (offshore wave height) and reef geometries (reef flat width and depth, presence of reef island) to parameterize a numerical model of coupled reef flat and reef island dynamics. Model results demonstrate that during rising sea levels, the reef flat can serve as a sediment trap, starving reef islands of detrital sediment that would otherwise fortify the shore against sea-level-rise-driven erosion. On the other hand, if reef flats are currently shallow (likely due to geologic inheritance), such that sea-level rise does not result in sediment accumulation on the flat, sea-level rise will have less of an effect of reef island shorelines. Overall, the model allows a parameterized framework that can be applied to understand the interconnected response of coupled reef environments to climate change, with potential application to atolls in different environmental settings.