The Nazaré Wave: a trigger for learning

Mafalda Marques Carapuço1, Adérito Cunha2, Rui Taborda1, Cesar Andrade3 and Carla Maurício4, (1)Instituto Dom Luiz, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Departamento de Geologia, Lisbon, Portugal, (2)Escola Básica e Secundária de Gama Barros, Cacém, Portugal, (3)Centro de Geologia da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, (4)Câmara Municipal da Nazaré, Nazaré, Portugal
Ocean management faces relevant sustainability challenges. It is consensual that a wiser governance of the oceans can only be achieved by the involvement of all key-players. In this scope scientists, as knowledge generators, have a vital role in ocean governance. Scientists are therefore called to share their knowledge outside the scientific community. This effort, framed under the Responsible Research and Innovation approach, will contribute to a more informed society, which in turn will be able to make better decisions. However, communicating science is a challenging task as is often necessary to inspire the audience and assure their receptivity, which may not be tuned to scientific contents. The present work focuses on the importance of the use of communication triggers in scientific knowledge transfer in ocean sciences. In this work the Nazaré wave - the highest wave ever surfed - was used as the communication trigger as it is a very popular subject with the media and is given great media coverage. Results show that the use of this subject can be an excellent trigger for the transfer of scientific knowledge on basic wave dynamics to the students. Additionally to the theme itself, it was found that short scientific animation videos voiced-over by students performed very well as the communication channel. The scripts used were written by scientists and commented by the students, previously to recording, assuring that the adequate language was used, and that the essential principles and fundamental concepts of waves reach the audience. Results of using the Nazaré́ wave as a communication trigger have been extremely positive and resulted in a well-succeeded engagement platform.