Wave Climate of the Philippines from Wavewatch III global model

Olivia Cabrera1, Cesar Villanoy2 and Fernando Pascual Siringan2, (1)Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines, (2)Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Metro Manila, Philippines
Wave exposure is an important factor determining the vulnerability of a coastal segment to erosion. However, very little to no data are available for the Philippines even though our coastline is the 5th longest in the world. Numerical models such as Wavewatch III and Simulating WAves Near-shore (SWAN) can provide data on significant wave heights, period, and direction, that are otherwise unavailable. In this study, validity of the models are assessed using altimeter data and limited wave gauge data deployed in selected areas all over the Philippines. Statistical analysis of 10-yr hindcast data for Philippine coastline is also presented, highlighting spatial and temporal variability in the wave climate associated with the monsoonal regime and archipelagic configuration of our country. Although very basic, this study is the first of its kind to do a systematic numerical analysis of waves in the country and points to the utility of developing a higher-resolution local Wavewatch III model for the Philippines.