Five years from the great 2010 Tsunami in Chile: learning from multi-hazard disasters and improving resileincy
Five years from the great 2010 Tsunami in Chile: learning from multi-hazard disasters and improving resileincy
The Research Center for Integrated Natural Hazards Management (CIGIDEN) has developed in recent years (supported by the Fondap/Conicyt Excellence in research center's program) active efforts to connect science and public institutions in charge of disaster management in Chile. We have been able to reach in particular the National Emergency Office (ONEMI) and the National Hydrographic and Oceanographic Naval Service (SHOA), and develop joint specific programs that have been mutually beneficial both for research enrichment and the operation of the emergency response system. Through these efforts, also supplemented by other Chilean and International research institutions, we analyzed together issues and challenges from the systemic failure experienced by the emergency system in Chile after the 2010 earthquake and tsunami. In this talk we will review some of the main collaboration actions and their outcomes, connecting them to the extreme events that impacted Chile in 2015 (earthquakes, tsunamis, storm waves, and flash floods). In particular we will describe the effort that CIGIDEN has developed i) with ONEMI in developing instruments to assess community preparedness and awareness and to understand tsunami evacuation behaviors; and ii) with SHOA to develop a new Integrated Decision Support System for Tsunami alerting that is being transferred to SHOA in September 2015, and was successfully tested offline during the September 16th, 2015, tsunami.