Upper Ocean Turbulent Processes in the Antarctic Frontal Zones
Due to the remote location and harsh conditions, few direct measurements of turbulence have been collected in the Southern Ocean. Direct measurements of oceanic turbulent parameters were taken upstream of and across Drake Passage, in the region of the Subantarctic and Polar Fronts. Values of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate, estimated by microstructure are up to two orders of magnitude lower than previously reported fine-structure derived estimates in the upper 1000m. Despite the prevalence of wind forcing, turbulence driven by near-inertial shear is weak. The dissipation rate of thermal variance is enhanced in the upper 1000m, with the highest values found in northern Drake Passage where water mass variability is the most pronounced. Using the density ratio, evidence for mixing by double-diffusive instability is presented, and implications for the mixing efficiency are also discussed.