Modern Dust Deposition and Dissolved Iron Residence Times in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
Modern Dust Deposition and Dissolved Iron Residence Times in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
We use dissolved 230Th and 232Th data along the U.S. GEOTRACES Equatorial Pacific Zonal Transect (EPZT) from Peru to Tahiti to quantify dust input to the region. Dust in the global oceans is a mineral ballast that helps carry organic matter to depth, a reactive particle surface that scavenges trace metals such as Th and Pa from the water column, and through its dissolution dust provides essential micronutrients, such as iron, that stimulate productivity. When integrating Th inventories from the sea surface to 500 meters water depth (Hayes et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 383 (2013) 16-25), we find that dust fluxes along the EPZT are an order of magnitude lower (0.18-1.61 g/m2/yr) than along the U.S. GEOTRACES Atlantic Transect (Mauritania to Bermuda; 3.22 to 10.56 g/m2/yr). Dust fluxes decrease with distance away from the dust source (i.e., the continents). Using an Fe/Th ratio of 2660 g/g for dust and assuming a Fe/Th solubility ratio of 1.0 (Hayes et al., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 169 (2015) 1-16), we calculate a dissolved iron flux of 12.06 to 109.88 µmol/m2/yr to the EPZT region. Utilizing dissolved iron data along the EPZT (Resing et al., Nature, 523 (2015) 200-203), we calculate a dissolved iron residence time integrated from the sea surface to 500 meters water depth of 4 to 11 years.