Determining Internal Wave Energy Flux from Density Perturbation Measurements

Harry L Swinney1, Michael Allshouse2, Frank M. M Lee3 and Philip Morrison3, (1)University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United States, (2)Northeastern University, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Boston, MA, United States, (3)University of Texas at Austin, Physics Department, Austin, TX, United States
Determination of the internal wave energy flux J=pu in the ocean or atmosphere requires knowledge of the wave perturbation pressure p and velocity u fields, but these fields can rarely be measured. We present a method for determining the velocity, pressure, and energy flux fields for internal waves from the density perturbation field alone. The pressure perturbation field is obtained through a Green's function based analysis, and the velocity field is obtained by manipulating the continuity equation for an incompressible stratified fluid. The method is validated using numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equation for a system with an internal wave beam in a fluid with constant buoyancy frequency. The results for the energy flux deduced from density perturbation simulation results agree within a few percent with the flux computed directly in the numerical simulation. The Green’s function method is also applied to density perturbation field laboratory data obtained by the synthetic schlieren technique [Sutherland et al., J. Fluid Mech. 390, 93 (1999)] in our experiment on a stratified fluid in a 3-meter long laboratory tank. The energy flux deduced from the laboratory schlieren measurements agrees within 10% with the flux from the Navier-Stokes simulation. Our method for determining the instantaneous velocity, pressure, and energy flux applies to any system described by a linear approximation of the density perturbation field, e.g., to small amplitude lee waves and propagating vertical modes. The method can be applied using an available Matlab graphical user interface, “EnergyFlux.”