Role of small-sized copepods in the lipid-driven Arctic marine food web

Lauris Boissonnot, Alfred Wegener Institute / University Centre in Svalbard, Chemical Ecology / Arctic Biology, Bremerhaven / Longyearbyen, Germany, Martin Graeve, Alfred Wegener Institute, Chemical Ecology, Bremerhaven, Germany, Janne Søreide, The University Centre in Svalbard, Arctic Biology, Longyearbyen, Norway, Barbara Niehoff, Alfred Wegener Institute, Polar Biology, Bremerhaven, Germany and Malin Daase, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, Tromsø, Norway
Despite of the low individual biomass of small-sized copepods such as the calanoid Pseudocalanus minutus and the cyclopoid Oithona similis, they are extremely numerous which make them an important trophic component in Arctic marine ecosystems. Due to the strong seasonality in light and thus primary production and food availability, the accumulation of lipid reserves is a key feature in Arctic marine ecosystems. However, very few studies exist on the lipid biochemistry of small copepods such as P. minutus and O. similis. In order to investigate the importance of these species in terms of transfer of lipids from primary production to higher trophic levels, feeding experiments were conducted, based on animals from Billefjorden, a high-Arctic fjord in Svalbard, Norway. A mixture of 13C labeled flagellates and diatoms was fed to the animals and the transfer and assimilation of lipid carbon, fatty acids and fatty alcohols was analyzed with gas chromatography-IRMS technique (CSIA). The results revealed that both species were incorporating dietary lipids in high quantities. The highest accumulation occurred in P. minutus in which 54.4% of the lipids were exchanged after 21 days, whereas 9.4% were assimilated in O. similis. Hence, at least this amount of carbon was used for metabolism and replaced by feeding. The lipid composition of the copepods did not reflect exactly the algal lipids, and differed between P. minutus and O. similis. Our results suggested intrinsic preferences in the accumulation of particular fatty acids, probably related to species-specific body requirements. This emphasizes the importance of also food quality in Arctic marine systems. Due to the relatively high lipid turnover rates in particularly in P. minutus, also small copepods are important drivers of the lipid-driven Arctic marine food web.