Assessing the Internal Consistency of the Marine Carbon Dioxide System at High Latitudes: The Labrador Sea AR7W Line Study Case

Lorenza Raimondi, Dalhousie University, Department of Oceanography, Halifax, NS, Canada, Kumiko Azetsu-Scott, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, Dartmouth, NS, Canada and Douglas Wallace, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
This work assesses the internal consistency of ocean carbon dioxide through the comparison of discrete measurements and calculated values of four analytical parameters of the inorganic carbon system: Total Alkalinity (TA), Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC), pH and Partial Pressure of CO2 (pCO2). The study is based on 486 seawater samples analyzed for TA, DIC and pH and 86 samples for pCO2 collected during the 2014 Cruise along the AR7W line in Labrador Sea. The internal consistency has been assessed using all combinations of input parameters and eight sets of thermodynamic constants (K1, K2) in calculating each parameter through the CO2SYS software. Residuals of each parameter have been calculated as the differences between measured and calculated values (reported as ΔTA, ΔDIC, ΔpH and ΔpCO2). Although differences between the selected sets of constants were observed, the largest were obtained using different pairs of input parameters. As expected the couple pH-pCO2 produced to poorest results, suggesting that measurements of either TA or DIC are needed to define the carbonate system accurately and precisely. To identify signature of organic alkalinity we isolated the residuals in the bloom area. Therefore only ΔTA from surface waters (0-30 m) along the Greenland side of the basin were selected. The residuals showed that no measured value was higher than calculations and therefore we could not observe presence of organic bases in the shallower water column. The internal consistency in characteristic water masses of Labrador Sea (Denmark Strait Overflow Water, North East Atlantic Deep Water, Newly-ventilated Labrador Sea Water, Greenland and Labrador Shelf waters) will also be discussed.