Mining big data sets of plankton images: a zero-shot learning approach to retrieve labels without training data

Eric Coughlin Orenstein1, Pedro Maravilha Morgado2, Emily Peacock3, Heidi M Sosik3 and Jules S Jaffe1, (1)Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, United States, (2)University of California San Diego, Electrical and Computer Engineering, San Diego, CA, United States, (3)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States
Technological advances in instrumentation and computing have allowed oceanographers to develop imaging systems capable of collecting extremely large data sets. With the advent of in situ plankton imaging systems, scientists must now commonly deal with “big data” sets containing tens of millions of samples spanning hundreds of classes, making manual classification untenable. Automated annotation methods are now considered to be the bottleneck between collection and interpretation. Typically, such classifiers learn to approximate a function that predicts a predefined set of classes for which a considerable amount of labeled training data is available. The requirement that the training data span all the classes of concern is problematic for plankton imaging systems since they sample such diverse, rapidly changing populations. These data sets may contain relatively rare, sparsely distributed, taxa that will not have associated training data; a classifier trained on a limited set of classes will miss these samples. The computer vision community, leveraging advances in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), has recently attempted to tackle such problems using “zero-shot” object categorization methods. Under a zero-shot framework, a classifier is trained to map samples onto a set of attributes rather than a class label. These attributes can include visual and non-visual information such as what an organism is made out of, where it is distributed globally, or how it reproduces. A second stage classifier is then used to extrapolate a class. In this work, we demonstrate a zero-shot classifier, implemented with a CNN, to retrieve out-of-training-set labels from images. This method is applied to data from two continuously imaging, moored instruments: the Scripps Plankton Camera System (SPCS) and the Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB). Results from simulated deployment scenarios indicate zero-shot classifiers could be successful at recovering samples of rare taxa in image sets. This capability will allow ecologists to identify trends in the distribution of difficult to sample organisms in their data.