Discussion on the Future of Ocean Models in the U.S.

Session ID#: 11236

Session Description:
Over the past two decades several new ocean circulation models using different grids and vertical coordinate systems have been developed. Most model codes are freely available to the research community and many improvements and additions have been proposed but not always adopted by the model developers.  Researchers involved in model development and curatorship as well as the use of numerical models are invited to make short presentations to frame a discussion on where the ocean sciences should go with regards to ocean modeling. Is the status quo adequate or should a new structure/governance be considered for community ocean models?

Primary Contact:  Eric Itsweire, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, United States
Presenter:  Scott Harper, Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA, United States
  • A - Air-sea Interactions and Upper Ocean Processes
  • CT - Chemical Tracers, DOM and Trace Metals
  • ME - Marine Ecosystems
  • PO - Physical Oceanography/Ocean Circulation

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

See more of: Town Hall