Body mass and anaerobic tolerance influence vertical habitat selection in meso- and bathypelagic foraging toothed whales of the Bahamas

Trevor William Joyce1, John W Durban2, Holly H Fearnbach2, Diane E Claridge3 and Lisa T Ballance1,2, (1)University of California San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, United States, (2)National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, La Jolla, CA, United States, (3)Bahamas Marine Mammal Research Organization, Marsh Harbour, Bahamas
Diving and spatial distribution data from small (55g) satellite transmitter tags attached to five species of deep-diving toothed whales were used to examine the physiological and ecological tradeoffs influencing vertical foraging ranges in the Bahamas. These tradeoffs have important consequences in terms of the ecological impacts of different toothed whale predators on meso- and bathypelagic prey populations, and also on relative vulnerabilities to human impacts (e.g., noise, vessel-strike). Within this assemblage, larger toothed-whales were hypothesized to more efficiently access deeper prey by having the capacity to sustain longer dives, based on a divergence of metabolic rates from oxygen storage capacity as mass increases. However, the observed vertical foraging ranges of melon-headed whales (Peponocephala electra, n=13), short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus, n=15), Blainville’s beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris, n=12), Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris, n=7), and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus, n=27), only weakly support hypothesized increases in dive duration and depth as power law functions body mass (R2=0.36 & 0.23). In particular, the relatively small beaked whales (M.d. 853kg; Z.c. 1557kg) performed extremely long and deep foraging dives (M.d. max. 67mins & 1888m; Z.c. max. 103mins & 1888m) relative to expectations of simple allometric scaling. Based on foraging dive durations and post-foraging dive recovery patterns, both beaked whales appear to exceed aerobic dive limits, which enabled access to bathypelagic niches but at the cost of significantly longer recovery periods between foraging dives and comparatively low foraging time efficiency (<29% of time in foraging strata). The inclusion of aerobic and anaerobic dive strategies in allometric models of dive duration and depth yielded considerably greater explanatory power (R2=0.96 & 0.90), providing an improved framework for interpreting the tradeoffs between body size, diving efficiency, and access to different prey layers. Vertical foraging ranges in turn had important implications in terms of responses to diurnal variation in light intensity, and the relative affinities of different species to deep-scattering and benthic boundary layers of prey.