The Copernicus Sentinel-3 Mission: Current Status

Craig Donlon1, Bruno Berruti2, Constantin Mavrocordatos2, Jens Nieke2, Bernd Seitz2, Johannes Frerrick2, Pierrik Vuilleumier@esa.int2, Helge Rebhan2, Susanne Mecklenburg3, Philippe Goryl4 and Pierre Féménias4, (1)European Space Agency, ESTEC, Villanueva De La Can, Spain, (2)European Space Agency, ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands, (3)European Space Agency, ESRIN, Villanueva De La Can, Spain, (4)European Space Agency, ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
Sentinel-3 is an operational mission in high-inclination, low earth orbit for the provision of observational data to Copernicus services. Products include ocean, ice and land surface altimetry, complemented by thermal and visible wavelength multi-spectral image data. The operational character of the mission implies a high level of availability of the data products and fast delivery time, which have been important design drivers for the mission.

In terms of ocean applications, the Sentinel-3 payload is designed to monitor open-ocean, coastal and inland waters using a suite of contemporaneous measurements. The spacecraft accommodates a topography payload consisting of a SAR Radar Altimeter (SRAL) and a Microwave Radiometer (MWR) plus a suite of instruments for precise orbit determination (POD). In addition, two large optical instruments - the Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) and the Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer instrument (SLSTR) have been developed as part of the mission. Full performance will be achieved with a constellation of two identical satellites, separated by 180 degrees in the same orbital plane. Together, the optical and topography instruments of Sentinel-3 will ensure the continuation of important data streams established with ESA’s ERS and ENVISAT satellites.

Four Sentinel-3 satellites are in development with Sentinel-3A planned for launch in late 2015 and the Sentinel-3B satellite launch expected in 2017. Procurement of the C and D satellites is ongoing. The overall service duration is planned to be 20 years and is expected to be fulfilled by a series of several satellites. This paper reports the current status of the Sentinel-3 Mission and presets some first results from the instrument payload.