Response of a tidal freshwater marsh to changes in sea level and suspended-sediment concentrations
Because of marsh geography and dominant storm patterns in this area, the influence of events is complex – wind speed and direction are negatively correlated with local sea level but positively correlated with SSC. This is, stronger winds from a more westerly direction drive water seaward of the marsh platform; increased precipitation results in higher river discharge and SSC from runoff and/or sediment resuspension. At the bimonthly scale, changes in sea level are correlated with both the rate and character (organic content) of sediments collected on tiles, but there was no relationship between sedimentation rates and SSC. Instead, bimonthly sedimentation rates are correlated with the fluvial sediment load (product of river discharge and SSC), which is not often included in models of marsh accretion. These trends are similar for seasonal-scale observations, though statistical tests are not as robust. These results suggest that, while events drive sedimentation within the marsh, their influence can be obscured over longer time scales that incorporate quiescent times of non-deposition.