What Role Does Photodegradation Play in Influencing Plant Litter Decomposition and Biogeochemistry in Coastal Marsh Ecosystems?

Mark Tobler1, David A White1, Michele L Abbene1, Sarah L Burst1, Rebecca L McCulley2 and Paul W Barnes1, (1)Loyola University New Orleans, Department of Biological Sciences, New Orleans, LA, United States, (2)University of Kentucky, Department of Plant and Soil Science, Lexington, KY, United States
Decomposition is a crucial component of global biogeochemical cycles that influences the fate and residence time of carbon and nutrients in organic matter pools, yet the processes controlling litter decomposition in coastal marshes are not fully understood. We conducted a series of field studies to examine what role photodegradation, a process driven in part by solar UV radiation (280-400 nm), plays in the decomposition of the standing dead litter of Sagittaria lancifolia and Spartina patens, two common species in marshes of intermediate salinity in southern Louisiana, USA. Results indicate that the exclusion of solar UV significantly altered litter mass loss, but the magnitude and direction of these effects varied depending on species, height of the litter above the water surface and the stage of decomposition. Over one growing season, S. lancifolia litter exposed to ambient solar UV had significantly less mass loss compared to litter exposed to attenuated UV over the initial phase of decomposition (0-5 months; ANOVA P=0.004) then treatment effects switched in the latter phase of the study (5-7 months; ANOVA P<0.001). Similar results were found in S. patens over an 11-month period. UV exposure reduced total C, N and lignin by 24-33% in remaining tissue with treatment differences most pronounced in S. patens. Phospholipid fatty-acid analysis (PFLA) indicated that UV also significantly altered microbial (bacterial) biomass and bacteria:fungi ratios of decomposing litter. These findings, and others, indicate that solar UV can have positive and negative net effects on litter decomposition in marsh plants with inhibition of biotic (microbial) processes occurring early in the decomposition process then shifting to enhancement of decomposition via abiotic (photodegradation) processes later in decomposition. Photodegradation of standing litter represents a potentially significant pathway of C and N loss from these coastal wetland ecosystems.