A time series of nitrogen speciation and nitrogen isotope fractionation during nitrification in a eutrophic coastal embayment
During spring and early summer, high export production and remineralization of phytoplankton-derived organic matter resulted in increasing levels of particulate N and accumulation of ammonium (NH4+) in the basin bottom waters (60m). Elevated bottom water nitrate (NO3-) concentrations as well as an increase in δ15N-NH4+ and a corresponding decrease in δ15N-NO3- clearly indicated active NH4+ and nitrite (NO2-) oxidation. In mid-summer, inflow of more saline Scotian Shelf water into the basin was observed and nitrifying activity markedly increased, likely driven by an increase in temperature and/or bottom water oxygen concentrations. Decreasing surface productivity in autumn was followed by a decline in subsurface NH4+ concentrations and a complete oxidation of the NH4+ pool to NO3-. The N isotopic compositions of NH4+, NO2-, and NO3- followed a Rayleigh-type fractionation, with a fractionation factor for NH4+ oxidation of ~15 ‰.