Evolution of mud-capped dredge pits following excavation: sediment trapping and slope instability

Jeffrey Obelcz, Coastal Studies Institute, Baton Rouge, LA, United States, Kehui Xu, Louisiana State University, Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, Baton Rouge, LA, United States, Samuel J Bentley, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, United States, Chunyan Li, Louisiana State University, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, Baton Rouge, LA, United States, MIke D Miner, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, U.S Department of Interior, New Orleans, LA, United States, Meg Cathlin O'Connor, Louisiana State University, Geology and Geophysics, Baton Rouge, LA, United States and Jiaze Wang, University of Maryland, Center for Environmental Science, Horn Point Laboratory, Cambridge, MD, United States
Many fluvial channels incised the Northern Gulf of Mexico inner continental shelf during the late Quaternary. Mud-capped dredge pits (MCDPs), which are generally elongate and deep (8-10 m) excavations, target sandy fluvial channel deposits for coastal restoration projects. The morphological evolution of dredge excavations in noncohesive sandy substrate is well studied, but MCDPs have up to a several-meter-thick veneer of Holocene shelf mud overlying sandy channel deposits. This stratigraphy is hypothesized to result in more complex post-dredge morphology than pit walls simply slumping to the angle of repose shortly after excavation. Numerical modeling of MCDP post-dredge response conducted prior to excavation indicates pit walls may retrogressively fail, which is accounted for in pit design by assigning no-dredge setback buffers from pipelines or cultural and environmental resources. To validate model results and test effectiveness of setback buffers, a geophysical survey of the Sandy Point MCDP (20 km west of the Mississippi River Delta in 10m deep water), where 1.7 million m3 of sandy sediment was excavated in 2012, was conducted May 2015. A total of 84 line-km of high-resolution chirp subbottom and a 27 km2 grid of swath bathymetry and sidescan sonar were collected.

The data indicate the dredge pit walls are differentially slumping, with the western pit wall in a more active state of failure than the eastern wall. The western failures morphologically resemble features observed along the muddy Mississippi River Delta Front at water depths of 20-100 m, including bowl-shaped collapse failures and retrogressive stair-stepped slumps; these failures may play a key role in evaluating the distance of setback buffer zone to pipelines. These features indicate the cohesive mud overlying the sandy infill has a prominent role in pit wall stability. A 0.5-1 m thick acoustically transparent package overlies the entire pit floor (interpreted as a possible fluid mud layer), overlying 1-3 m of post-dredge deposition that is concentrated along the western wall and center of the pit. The Sandy Point MCDP lies within a clockwise gyre, and its relief may serve as a significant trap of suspended sediment. These findings emphasize the role MCDPs play in sediment dynamics as well as their potential for submarine geohazards.