Characterization of the intra-annual variability in the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) off Peru

Aurélien Paulmier1, Fernando Campos2,3, Boris Dewitte1, Veronique Garcon4, Serena Illig5, Edgardo Carrasco6, Olivier Depretz de Gesincourt7, Jacques Grelet8, Jesus Alejandro Ledesma6, Christophe Maes9, Ivonne Montes3, Andreas Oschlies10, Jorge Quispe2,6 and Lionel Scouarnec7, (1)LEGOS/IRD, SYSCO2, TOULOUSE, France, (2)UNAC, LIMA, Peru, (3)Instituto Geofísico del Perú, Lima, Peru, (4)CNRS-LEGOS, Toulouse, France, (5)LEGOS/UMR 5566, Toulouse, France, (6)IMARPE, Callao, Peru, (7)DT-INSU/CNRS, BREST, France, (8)IRD, Brest, France, (9)Laboratoire de Physique des Océans, Brest, France, (10)GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany
The Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZs) are oceanic deoxygenated layers between 50 and 1000 meters depth, which impact climate and ecosystems at both local and global scales. In particular, associated with the most productive upwelling system (10% of the world fisheries), the OMZ off Peru has the shallowest and most intense core with the lowest O2 concentration. Little is known on O2 variability at hourly to intra-seasonal timescales in this region. Thanks to the first long term subsurface mooring deployed off Lima (12°02’S, 77°40’W) at 30 nm from the coast, this study investigates the OMZ variability. The mooring consists in an instrumented line including sensors of pressure, temperature, salinity and oxygen located at 5 depths (30, 50, 75, 145 and 160 meters below the surface) with an acquisition frequency of 15 minutes during ~14 months from January 5th , 2013 until February 21th, 2014. These data collected in the framework of the trans-disciplinary AMOP project (Activity of investigation dedicated to Oxygen Minimum Zone of the eastern Pacific) allow documenting the dynamics of both the oxycline and core and of their physical forcing (e.g. waves, wind). Three main regimes of variability are reported: sub-daily (< 1 day), sub-monthly (1-30 days) and sub-seasonal (30-90 days), which corresponds to distinct physical mechanisms. Preliminary results from a high-resolution coupled model platform are presented, which serve as material for the interpretation of the data.