Ecological Forecasting of Vibrio sp. in U.S. Coastal Waters Using an Operational Platform, a Pilot Project of the NOAA Ecological Forecasting Roadmap. Development of Web based Tools and Forecasts to Help the Public Avoid Exposure to Vibrio vulnificus and Shell Fish Harvesters Avoid Dangerous Concentrations of Vibrio parahaemolyticus.


The Pathogens group of the NOAA Ecological Forecasting Roadmap has begun a range of efforts to monitor and predict potential pathogen occurrences in shellfish and in U.S. Coastal waters. NOAA/NCOSS along with NMFS/NWFSC have led the Pathogens group and the development of web based tools and forecasts for both Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. A strong relationship with FDA has allowed the team to develop forecasts that will serve U.S. shellfish harvesters and consumers. NOAA/NOS/CSDL has provided modeling expertise to help the group use the hydrodynamic models and their forecasts of physical variables that drive the ecological predictions. The NOAA/NWS/Ocean Prediction Center has enabled these ecological forecasting efforts by providing the infrastructure, computing knowledge and experience in an operational culture. Daily forecasts have been demonstrated and are available from the web for the Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay, Northern Gulf of Mexico, Tampa Bay, Puget Sound and Long Island Sound. The forecast systems run on a daily basis being fed by NOS model data from the NWS/NCEP super computers. New forecast tools including V. parahaemolyticus post harvest growth and doubling time in ambient air temperature will be described.