comparison of FDM and FVM model performance for tsunami wave propagation near east coast of Korea
In this study, we conduct COMCOT (Cornell Multi-grid Coupled Tsunami Model) based on FDM (Finite Difference Method) and FVCOM (Finite Volume Community Ocean Model) based on FVM (Finite Volume Method) for comparing model performance and suitability of tsunami forecast system. COMCOT is relatively easy to setup for modelling and it has not been parallelized, whereas FVCOM needs some effort for grid configuration and it has parallelized system. The comparison factors are tsunami reaching time, and model simulation time.
As a result, both models show good results in the arrival time of the first tsunami wave. But in clock time of simulation, COMCOT needs more time than FVCOM, if COMCOT use more than 3 sublayer for the simulation. Depending the matter of interest, FDM and FVM shows its advantage in simulating tsunami. For the simulation of regional inundation problem, FDM shows good performance. On the other hand, FVM shows more capability for global tsunami forecast.