The nonlinear equation of state of sea water and the global water mass distribution
A simulation with a strongly simplified EOS, which contains only two nonlinear terms, still produces a realistic water-mass distribution, demonstrating that these two nonlinearities are indeed the essential ones. Further simulations show that each of these two nonlinear terms affects a specific aspect of the water-mass distribution: the thermobaric term is crucial for for the layering of NADW and AABW, and the cabbeling term for the formation of AAIW. With a realistic equation of state, there is a narrow region of downwelling near the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) that densifies because of cabbeling and sinks through the density surfaces, forming AAIW. Cabbeling is strong at the ACC because of strong lateral mixing along the sloping density surfaces. When the cabbeling term in the EOS is omitted, there is no such downwelling water, and essentially no AAIW.