Short-finned Pilot Whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) Target Gulf Stream and Shelf Break Waters in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Bight


Short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) are deep-diving predators that feed on squid and regularly exploit prey at depths of more than 500 m. Detailed information on the habitat use of pilot whales in the Northwest Atlantic is lacking, which complicates management of the species, particularly for efforts to mitigate bycatch and depredation in the pelagic longline fishery. To address this limitation, we tracked the horizontal and vertical movements of short-finned pilot whales with LIMPET satellite-linked transmitters off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, in 2014. We deployed 14 satellite tags and 4 satellite-linked depth recording tags, with deployments of 2 to 194 days (mean=57 days). Using randomly-generated temporally-matched pseudo-absences with modeled distance constraints and mixed-effects generalized additive models (GAMMs), we evaluated pilot whale movement relative to environmental variables (distance to shelf break, sea surface temperature SST), location of Gulf Stream, bathymetric slope, and depth). Pilot whales showed two types of behavior, showing a strong affinity for either the shelf break or waters of the Gulf Stream. Slope, distance to shelf break, and SST were significant predictors of habitat use (p<<0.001 for all variables, R2=0.40). Pilot whales demonstrated a preference for waters close to the shelf break, with warmer SST values (peak preference ~25°C) and medium to high bathymetric slopes (peak preference ~40 percent rise). We observed seasonal patterns in pilot whale movements, with whales diving to deeper depths in late summer and fall months than in spring months (Wilcoxon test, p<<0.001). Diving behavior was also significantly influenced by SST; pilot whales took longer and deeper dives in warmer waters (Pearson’s correlation coefficients >0.40, p<<0.001). We use these results to develop spatial maps of pilot whale habitat relative to seasonal and environmental factors in order to identify areas and times of high risk for interactions between pilot whales and longline gear.