Dynamics of SQG Vortices and Passive Scalar Transport

Cecily Taylor, University of California San Diego, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, La Jolla, CA, United States and Stefan G Llewellyn Smith, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States
The surface quasi-geostrophic (SQG) equations are a model for low-Rossby number geophysical flows in which the dynamics are governed by potential temperature dynamics on the boundary. We examine the dynamics of SQG vortices and the resulting flow in the fluid including at first order in Rossby number (O(Ro)). This requires solving an extension to the usual QG equation to compute the velocity corrections, and we demonstrate this mathematical procedure. We then consider specific cases of interactions of vortices and examine the tracer transport properties in the interior of the fluid. Mixing is quantified using the Finite Time Braiding Exponent diagnostic.