Trait-based Modeling of Larval Dispersal in the Gulf of Maine

Benjamin Jones1, David Richardson2, Michael J Follows3, Christopher N Hill4, Andrew Solow5 and Rubao Ji5, (1)MIT-WHOI Joint Program, Biological Oceanography, Woods Hole, MA, United States, (2)NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Narragansett, RI, United States, (3)Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science, Cambridge, MA, United States, (4)Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States, (5)Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., Woods Hole, MA, United States
Population connectivity of marine species is the inter-generational movement of individuals among geographically separated subpopulations and is a crucial determinant of population dynamics, community structure, and optimal management strategies. For many marine species, population connectivity is largely determined by the dispersal patterns that emerge from a pelagic larval phase. These dispersal patterns are a result of interactions between the physical environment, adult spawning strategy, and larval ecology. Using a generalized trait-based model that represents the adult spawning strategy as a distribution of larval releases in time and space and the larval trait space with the pelagic larval duration, vertical swimming behavior, and settlement habitat preferences, we simulate dispersal patterns in the Gulf of Maine and surrounding regions. We implement this model as an individual-based simulation that tracks Lagrangian particles on a graphics processing unit as they move through hourly archived output from the Finite-Volume Community Ocean Model. The particles are released between the Hudson Canyon and Nova Scotia and the release distributions are determined using a novel method that minimizes the number of simulations required to achieve a predetermined level of precision for the connectivity matrices. The simulated larvae have a variable pelagic larval duration and exhibit multiple forms of dynamic depth-keeping behavior. We describe how these traits influence the dispersal trajectories and connectivity patterns among regions in the northwest Atlantic. Our description includes the probability of successful recruitment, patchiness of larval distributions, and the variability of these properties in time and space under a variety of larval dispersal strategies.