Marine Arctic Ecosystem Study (MARES) - An Integrated Approach to the Dynamics of the Beaufort Sea
Marine Arctic Ecosystem Study (MARES) - An Integrated Approach to the Dynamics of the Beaufort Sea
MARES is an integrated ecosystem research initiative coordinated and planned by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the Office of Naval Research, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the U.S. Coast Guard, and Shell through the National Oceanographic Partnership Program. The overarching goal is to advance our knowledge of the structure and function of the Beaufort Sea marine ecosystem so as to link atmospheric and oceanic drivers to sea ice patterns and marine mammal distribution and availability to local subsistence communities. The study, funded in 2014, focuses on the marine ecosystem along the Beaufort Sea shelf from Barrow, Alaska to the Mackenzie River delta in Canada and is scheduled to include bio-physical moorings along the US-Canadian border, glider deployments packed with bio-physical sensors, tagging of whales and ice-associated seals with satellite CTD-Fluorometer tags, biophysical and chemical cruises including the measurement and characterization of hydrography, ice, nutrients, primary and secondary production, carbon budgets, benthic fauna, fish, as well as analysis of freshwater input and chemical loadings, and ecosystem modeling. This presentation will focus on preliminary results from the ice seal tagging that started in the summer of 2015 and describe some of the planning and possibilities for partnerships for the more comprehensive 2016 field season and beyond.