Regional and Thematic Innovation Supporting Global Sustained Ocean Observing I

Session ID#: 11442

Session Description:
Long-term, sustained ocean observations underpin discoveries in the ocean and climate systems, allow the detection of human-induced changes in the ocean, improve ocean and climate prediction and projections on multiple time scales, and feed real-time ocean services that allow for appropriate decisions and policies. These efforts are increasingly contributing to scientific knowledge and policy advice on sustaining ocean health and ecosystem services, enabling sustainable ocean development.

Regional observing systems and projects—including but not limited to the Atlantic, tropical Pacific, Southern, and Indian Oceans—are contributing to innovation in the design, implementation, and use of a Global Ocean Observing System, delivering new scientific results and societal benefits.

This session invites contributions from project-based and individual efforts on:

  • identification and refinement of observing requirements driven by scientific and societal needs,
  • ocean models and statistical methods used in Observing System Evaluation and Observing System Simulation Experiments,
  • advances in observing technology and techniques that are building readiness for large-scale sustained observation,
  • innovative integration of diverse in situ and satellite observing elements, and
  • new scientific results underpinned by sustained observations.
Primary Chair:  Albert S Fischer, UNESCO Paris, IOC, Paris Cedex 15, France
Chairs:  Martin Visbeck, University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany, Anna Wahlin, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden and Weidong Yu, First Inst Oceanography, Center for Ocean and Climate, Qingdao, China
Moderators:  Martin Visbeck, University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany and Albert S Fischer, UNESCO Paris, IOC, Paris Cedex 15, France
Student Paper Review Liaison:  Anna Wahlin, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Index Terms:

4262 Ocean observing systems [OCEANOGRAPHY: GENERAL]
4294 Instruments and techniques [OCEANOGRAPHY: GENERAL]
6339 System design [POLICY SCIENCES]
  • IS - Instrumentation & Sensing Technologies

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

Towards a Tropical Pacific Observing System for 2020 and Beyond. (92797)
Katherine Louise Hill, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland; GCOS, William S. Kessler, NOAA/PMEL/OCRD, Seattle, WA, United States and Neville Smith, Retired, Melbourne, Australia
An Observing System for the Southern Ocean (88528)
Louise Newman, SOOS IPO, Hobart, Australia, Oscar Schofield, Rutgers University, Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, New Brunswick, NJ, United States, Anna Wahlin, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, Andrew Constable, Australian Antarctic Division, Hobart, Australia and Sebastian Swart, CSIR - Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Cape Town, South Africa
Developing a global ocean observing system that prioritises ecosystem variables from a political and societal point of view (90388)
Patricia Miloslavich, University of West Australia, Ocean Sciences Institute, Perth, Australia, Nicholas J Bax, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Hobart, Hobart, Australia, Samantha Elisabeth Simmons, US Marine Mammal Commission, Science Program, Bethesda, MD, United States, Ward Appeltans, UNESCO, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Oostende, Belgium and Melissa Garcia, NOAA, Bethesda, MD, United States
Using Combined Marine Spatial Planning Tools and Observing System Experiments to define Gaps in the Emerging European Ocean Observing System. (89329)
Glenn Nolan, EuroGOOS AISBL, Nadia Pinardi, University of Bologna, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Bologna, Italy, Tomislava Vukicevic, CMCC, Italy, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Mercator Ocean, Ramonville Saint-Agne, France and Vicente Fernandez, Environmental Consultant, Madrid, Spain
Sustained ecological observing, how hard can it be? (90873)
Tim Moltmann, University of Tasmania, Integrated Marine Observing System, Hobart, Australia and Roger Proctor, University of Tasmania, Integrated Marine Observing System, Hobart, TAS, Australia
Observing climate change trends in ocean biogeochemistry: when and where (87816)
Stephanie Henson1, Claudie Beaulieu2 and Richard Stephen Lampitt1, (1)National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, United Kingdom, (2)University of Southampton, Ocean and Earth Science, United Kingdom
Globalizing Lessons Learned from Regional-scale Observatories (92940)
Scott M Glenn, Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States
OceanSITES: Sustained Ocean Time Series Observations in the Global Ocean. (89529)
Champika Gallage, Technical Coordinator, JCOMMOPS (WMO, IOC/UNESCO), Brest, France, Robert A Weller, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States, Uwe Send, University of California, San Diego, Richard Stephen Lampitt, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, United Kingdom and Roger Lukas, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, United States