Process understanding and standardised assessment towards the eddying realm
Session ID#: 35879
Session Description:
Goal: The purpose of this meeting is to identify key ocean processes, required diagnostics and observations, and standard community analysis tools to assess their representation consistently, particularly in high resolution models.
The upcoming WGCM CMIP6 simulations, both the standard DECK and the individual MIPs, will produce an enormous amount of model output. We urgently need agreed-upon metrics and analysis algorithms, to avoid unnecessary time and effort duplicating the downloading of data to perform the same calculations.
Initially, standard community tools should include:
1. Statistical comparisons of simulated and observed sea surface temperature and height, and sea ice extent;
2. Tools to enable detailed comparison with key observational data such as RAPID, OSNAP and ARGO.
Suitable datasets include:
a. CMIP6 High Resolution Model Intercomparison Project (HighResMIP) simulations, with atmosphere and ocean resolutions ranging from ~150km-1˚ to ~25km-1/12˚ for ~100 years of simulation.
b. CMIP6 Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (OMIP)
c. Other CMIP6 simulations, independent simulation studies.
The anticipated outcome of this meeting will be to bring together ideas for standard assessment methods, and to start a “wish list” of online diagnostics designed for eddying model analysis.
- AI - Air-Sea Interactions
- OD - Ocean Data Management
- OM - Ocean Modeling
- PL - Physical Oceanography: Mesoscale and Larger