Author Index:
Author Index:
HE010Abstract Title: Response of the southern ocean, sea-ice and ice shelves to the changing climate
PS007Abstract Title: Transport and Coherent Structures: New and Traditional Approaches for Studying Ocean Stirring and Mixing
EP007Abstract Title: From Physics to Predators: Understanding Bottom-up Forcing of Pelagic Ecosystems
ME006Abstract Title: Remote Sensing of Coral Reef Ecosystems
OC001Abstract Title: Advances in field and laboratory approaches to measure the response of organisms and species assemblages to ocean change
IS013Abstract Title: Technology Advances in Deep Ocean Observing
PO003Abstract Title: Detection, Analysis and Modeling of the Distribution and Transport of Oceanic Debris
HE005Abstract Title: Linkages among changes in physical and biogeochemical processes in the Eurasian sector of the Arctic Ocean
IS004Abstract Title: Identification and Quantification of Plastic Particle Pollution and its Impact on the Environment
ED008Abstract Title: Ocean Science: Informing Policy, Management, and the Public
BN009Abstract Title: Evolution of Biogeochemical Cycles in the Arctic Ocean: Predicting the Impact from and on Climate Change.
ED010Abstract Title: Promoting environmental and conservation sciences through successful communication
MM007Abstract Title: Phytoplankton-Bacteria Interactions - From Microscales to Ocean-scales
ME005Abstract Title: Recent Deep Water Geological and Biological Discoveries in the Central, Southern, and Western Pacific Ocean
PO004Abstract Title: Meteotsunami Causes and Formation, Recent Events, and Forecast-Warning Systems
HE002Abstract Title: Carbon cycling in Arctic Ocean and adjacent marginal seas under a changing climate
ED007Abstract Title: Ocean Knowledge and Engagement: the Potential of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
BN007Abstract Title: Biogeochemistry and Nutrients in open ocean waters: Sustainable Ocean Observations and Time Series Efforts.
PC009Abstract Title: The Ocean as a Mediator of Climate and Climate Change
HE008Abstract Title: North Atlantic – Nordic seas – Arctic Ocean heat exchanges: Processes and Impacts
OD003Abstract Title: Data rescue and synthesis for climate and environmental science
CD002Abstract Title: Barrier dynamics in a changing climate
ED003Abstract Title: Ecology, Oceanography, and Proximity: Taking the first steps towards evaluating MPA objectives
HE002Abstract Title: Carbon cycling in Arctic Ocean and adjacent marginal seas under a changing climate
OD008Abstract Title: Visualization, Statistics, and Model Validation of Big Data for Oceanography
AI013Abstract Title: Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: From Weather to Climate
PC013Abstract Title: Utilizing Ecological and Oceanographic Records to Understand Ecological Responses to Modern Climate Change
IS003Abstract Title: From watersheds to the open ocean: advances in remote sensing for monitoring water quality, food security, ecosystems, and change
213258Abstract Title: New High-Resolution Regional Climatologies for the North Pacific Ocean
PL005Abstract Title: From WOCE through CLIVAR to GO-SHIP: Results from Global Repeat Hydrographic Surveys
OC001Abstract Title: Advances in field and laboratory approaches to measure the response of organisms and species assemblages to ocean change
IS011Abstract Title: Ocean Observatory Science – From Events to Climate
OM006Abstract Title: Integrating Observations of Plankton Communities and Physiology into Numerical Models
29982Abstract Title: Translating Arctic Ocean Science to Policy: Exploring the value of Ocean Observations for Policy and Decision Making
OC005Abstract Title: Multiple stressors and multiple disciplines: Understanding the consequences of global ocean change for marine species
BN016Abstract Title: Methane from the Subsurface through the Bio-, Hydro- and Atmosphere: Advances in Natural Hydrate Systems and Methane Seeps in Marine Ecosystems
IS001Abstract Title: Advances in approaches to monitoring the occurrence, distribution, behavior, and ecology of top predators
AI008Abstract Title: Ocean salinity and its role in ocean dynamics and the water cycle
MM001Abstract Title: A Matter of Life and Death: The Role of Microbial Interactions in Mediating Biogeochemical Cycles
230412Abstract Title: Ocean stratification reduces melt rates at the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
AI009Abstract Title: Role of oceans in tropical/extratropical air-sea interactions
BN001Abstract Title: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Biological Carbon Pump: Understanding its Efficiency and Predicting its Future
OC010Abstract Title: The Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network, GOA-ON: linking local information globally
IS007Abstract Title: Innovative Uses of Autonomous Vehicles for Ocean Science
EP008Abstract Title: Impacts of ecological interactions on marine ecosystem dynamics: New insights from theory, models, and field measurements,
EP010Abstract Title: Patchiness is characteristic of the ocean environment and drives ecosystem processes; exploring environmental and ecosystem variability and its consequences, from the meso- to fine-scale.
B003Abstract Title: The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON): Building Partnerships Towards a Better Understanding of Life in the Sea
PC001Abstract Title: Advances in understanding marine heatwaves and their impacts
BN004Abstract Title: Biogeochemical and Ecological Change from Integrated, Multiscale Observations
EP002Abstract Title: Aquatic Flux Studies - New Ecological Findings and In Situ Approaches
BN001Abstract Title: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Biological Carbon Pump: Understanding its Efficiency and Predicting its Future
MM010Abstract Title: Tools and cyber-infrastructure for microbial omics studies
ME001Abstract Title: Benthic Meiofauna Structure, Pattern and Function in Ocean Basins
ME007Abstract Title: Zooplankton and Nekton: Gatekeepers of the Biological Pump
BN011Abstract Title: Impacts of dams on terrestrial flux and biogeochemical processes within the large river-estuary continuum
HE004Abstract Title: Ice-Ocean Interactions and Circulation around the Antarctic Margins
IS003Abstract Title: From watersheds to the open ocean: advances in remote sensing for monitoring water quality, food security, ecosystems, and change
MM010Abstract Title: Tools and cyber-infrastructure for microbial omics studies
PL006Abstract Title: Multi-scale Variability of Western Boundary Currents and their Role in Climate and Ecosystems
AI007Abstract Title: Ocean Carbon Hot Spots: Biogeochemical cycling and anthropogenic carbon export in mode and intermediate water formation regions
HE009Abstract Title: Particle dynamics and particle export in the polar ocean
BN007Abstract Title: Biogeochemistry and Nutrients in open ocean waters: Sustainable Ocean Observations and Time Series Efforts.
EP005Abstract Title: Closing the gap between wind stress and ecosystem productivity in eastern boundary upwelling regions
B002Abstract Title: Rediscovering marine biodiversity: progress, promise, and challenges of metabarcoding of microbes to mammals
OC001Abstract Title: Advances in field and laboratory approaches to measure the response of organisms and species assemblages to ocean change
EP005Abstract Title: Closing the gap between wind stress and ecosystem productivity in eastern boundary upwelling regions
BN004Abstract Title: Biogeochemical and Ecological Change from Integrated, Multiscale Observations
BN005Abstract Title: Biogeochemical Argo Science and Regional Profiling Float Studies including SOCCOM, NAOS, remOcean, INBOX and IOBioArgo
ME003Abstract Title: Illuminating the twilight zone: Understanding mesopelagic communities, processes, and ecosystem services before potential large-scale resource extraction
AI011Abstract Title: Surface Currents in a Coupled Air/Sea System: Physics and Applications
BN009Abstract Title: Evolution of Biogeochemical Cycles in the Arctic Ocean: Predicting the Impact from and on Climate Change.
AI008Abstract Title: Ocean salinity and its role in ocean dynamics and the water cycle
RS003Abstract Title: Physical, Chemical and Ecological Environment of Deep Marginal Seas
E001Abstract Title: Impacts of multiple stressors in coastal ecosystems on organism health
EP011Abstract Title: Physical-biogeochemical interactions across scales: from microscale to mesoscale
BN001Abstract Title: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Biological Carbon Pump: Understanding its Efficiency and Predicting its Future
CD004Abstract Title: Close-Range Remote Sensing of Nearshore Processes and Coastal Morphology
EP007Abstract Title: From Physics to Predators: Understanding Bottom-up Forcing of Pelagic Ecosystems
MG002Abstract Title: Seabed Mapping; A Global Challenge
CD004Abstract Title: Close-Range Remote Sensing of Nearshore Processes and Coastal Morphology
MM011Abstract Title: Virus-host interactions and their biogeochemical impacts
CT001Abstract Title: Abiotic and Biotic Retention, Recycling, and Remineralization of Metals in the Ocean
B002Abstract Title: Rediscovering marine biodiversity: progress, promise, and challenges of metabarcoding of microbes to mammals
PL008Abstract Title: Ocean Surface and Internal Tides
ED008Abstract Title: Ocean Science: Informing Policy, Management, and the Public
PC005Abstract Title: Meridional Overturning Circulation dynamics in past warm and cold climates
OD005Abstract Title: Machine learning in biologial oceanography
OC004Abstract Title: Effective tools for local and regional stakeholders to address coastal acidification challenges
OD006Abstract Title: Real-Time Quality Control of Oceanographic Data Emerging Technologies and their Data QC Practices
MG001Abstract Title: Internal Waves/Tides and Sediment Processes on Continental Margins
B003Abstract Title: The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON): Building Partnerships Towards a Better Understanding of Life in the Sea
E002Abstract Title: Observing and modeling wetland-estuarine exchanges and interactions: State of knowledge, challenges, and future directions
E002Abstract Title: Observing and modeling wetland-estuarine exchanges and interactions: State of knowledge, challenges, and future directions
PC003Abstract Title: El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diversity, Predictability, and Impacts
E003Abstract Title: Processes and Management of Altered Estuaries in the Era of Anthropocene
MM003Abstract Title: Coastal ecosystem exometabolites: linking the composition of dissolved organic matter to biological structure and process in nearshore habitats
OM009Abstract Title: Ocean Model Coupling (Air-Ocean, Ice-Ocean, Wave-Ocean) on Subseasonal through Interannual Time Scales to Support the National Earth System Prediction Capability
OM002Abstract Title: Advances in Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification for Ocean Forecasting and Analysis
OD001Abstract Title: Big Data for a Big Ocean: Progress on Tools, Technology, and Services
OM008Abstract Title: Multiscale and multiphysics modeling of coastal and regional ocean processes: Recent progress and challenges for the future
PL009Abstract Title: The Driving Forces of the Ocean’s General Circulation
BN023Abstract Title: We shed light: Optical and imaging insights into the Biological Carbon Pump
MG002Abstract Title: Seabed Mapping; A Global Challenge
HE007Abstract Title: Melting of glaciers, icebergs, ice shelves, and coastal permafrost and impacts on physical properties and biogeochemistry of the ocean
ME005Abstract Title: Recent Deep Water Geological and Biological Discoveries in the Central, Southern, and Western Pacific Ocean
OM003Abstract Title: Development and advances of modeling and forecasting marine biogeochemistry and ecosystems
OM007Abstract Title: Modeling the Climate System at High Resolution
210209Abstract Title: Changes In Marine Ecosystem: Evaluating the Impacts Of Climate Change Using Application Of Information And Communication Technologies For Protection And Sustainable Exploitation of Coastal And Marine Resourses.,
211415Abstract Title: Application of Information and Communication Technologies for Coastal and Ocean Governance for Sustaining Fishery Sector in Aisa- Pacific and Beyond.
MM012Abstract Title: Functional, ecological, and evolutionary implications of microdiversity and intra-specific variability in aquatic microorganisms
PC001Abstract Title: Advances in understanding marine heatwaves and their impacts
PS004Abstract Title: Interaction between internal waves and multiple-scale dynamics
PL006Abstract Title: Multi-scale Variability of Western Boundary Currents and their Role in Climate and Ecosystems
EP010Abstract Title: Patchiness is characteristic of the ocean environment and drives ecosystem processes; exploring environmental and ecosystem variability and its consequences, from the meso- to fine-scale.
MG001Abstract Title: Internal Waves/Tides and Sediment Processes on Continental Margins
PL001Abstract Title: Advances in our understanding of the meridional overturning circulation in the South Atlantic
BN018Abstract Title: Observations and modeling of marine biogeochemical variability
CT003Abstract Title: Integrative Approaches and Emerging Techniques to Study the Sources and Cycling of Organic Matter Through Isotope Ecology and Geochemistry
AI014Abstract Title: Turbulent Air-Sea Fluxes: Observations and Modeling
ED005Abstract Title: Innovations in Interdisciplinary Ocean Leadership & Workforce Development for Early Career Scientists
230412Abstract Title: Ocean stratification reduces melt rates at the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
IS008Abstract Title: Lidar-based estimation of the surface and vertical ocean physical, optical and bigeochemical properties
PS003Abstract Title: How do submesoscale and internal wave driven mixing matter on global and regional scales?
EP012Abstract Title: Topographic Influences on Oceanographic Processes, Marine Communities, and Ecology
F003Abstract Title: I am ready for my close-up! Using state-of-the-art imagery to study marine wildlife and their habitats.
BN005Abstract Title: Biogeochemical Argo Science and Regional Profiling Float Studies including SOCCOM, NAOS, remOcean, INBOX and IOBioArgo
PL010Abstract Title: The Fate of Antarctic Bottom Water: Ventilation, Circulation, and Mixing of the Abyssal Ocean
PC003Abstract Title: El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diversity, Predictability, and Impacts
MM011Abstract Title: Virus-host interactions and their biogeochemical impacts
BN015Abstract Title: Linking modern "omics" techniques and ecosystem models
OD002Abstract Title: Feast after the famine: Discoveries based on big data
E001Abstract Title: Impacts of multiple stressors in coastal ecosystems on organism health
BN006Abstract Title: Biogeochemical Processes Across Oxic-Anoxic Transitions
IS004Abstract Title: Identification and Quantification of Plastic Particle Pollution and its Impact on the Environment
ED007Abstract Title: Ocean Knowledge and Engagement: the Potential of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
OM002Abstract Title: Advances in Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification for Ocean Forecasting and Analysis
MG002Abstract Title: Seabed Mapping; A Global Challenge
OC003Abstract Title: Changing Ocean Biogeochemistry in a High CO2 World: Observations across Time and Space
ED001Abstract Title: ASLOMP Student Symposium
CT005Abstract Title: The Behavior of Trace Elements and Isotopes in Different Ocean Basins: New Insights from Comparisons and Contrasts
PL003Abstract Title: Biophysical dynamics of boundary upwelling systems in a changing ocean: Synthesis of current knowledge and future observational and modeling approaches
CT005Abstract Title: The Behavior of Trace Elements and Isotopes in Different Ocean Basins: New Insights from Comparisons and Contrasts
OC009Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variability of Seawater Chemistry in Coastal Ecosystems in the Context of Global Change
215915Abstract Title: Why Are High-Resolution Western Boundary Currents Required to Properly Model Their Influence on Mid-latitude Weather and Climate?
222072Abstract Title: Swarm-scale eddies generated by collective swimmers
ME004Abstract Title: Processes Impacting the Distribution and Fate of Oil in the Marine Environment
PL002Abstract Title: Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Modeling and Observations
HE006Abstract Title: Linkages between environmental drivers and structure of Arctic ecosystems.
PC004Abstract Title: History and Development of Greenland Ice and Arctic Sea Ice
ED014Abstract Title: Societal Applications of Deep-Ocean Observations
OC005Abstract Title: Multiple stressors and multiple disciplines: Understanding the consequences of global ocean change for marine species
BN013Abstract Title: Investigating marine microbial interactions with stable isotopes
PL002Abstract Title: Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Modeling and Observations
OM001Abstract Title: Advances in Coastal Ocean Modeling, Prediction, and Ocean Observing System Evaluation
AI003Abstract Title: Air-Sea Interaction at the Mesoscale and Submesoscale
PC006Abstract Title: Nano- and Micro-scale Chemical Signatures in the Ocean: Small Signals from Climate and Microbes with a Big Impact
BN002Abstract Title: Advances in Aquatic Respiration: New Ideas, Conceptual Models, and Recent Findings on Plankton Community Respiration
E003Abstract Title: Processes and Management of Altered Estuaries in the Era of Anthropocene
MM004Abstract Title: Discoveries in viral ecology and microbial adaptation to extreme environments
PL012Abstract Title: Western Pacific and Indonesian seas circulation and its environmental and climatic impacts
IS011Abstract Title: Ocean Observatory Science – From Events to Climate
CD001Abstract Title: Advancing Water Quality Monitoring and Forecasting in Coastal and Inland Waters
ME004Abstract Title: Processes Impacting the Distribution and Fate of Oil in the Marine Environment
CT006Abstract Title: The Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter
ME003Abstract Title: Illuminating the twilight zone: Understanding mesopelagic communities, processes, and ecosystem services before potential large-scale resource extraction
IS009Abstract Title: New Advances in Ocean and Climate Sciences Driven by Underway Measurements of Ocean and Atmospheric Properties
B003Abstract Title: The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON): Building Partnerships Towards a Better Understanding of Life in the Sea
OC008Abstract Title: Seasonal to Decadal Modeling of a Changing Ocean for Marine Resource Managers
AI008Abstract Title: Ocean salinity and its role in ocean dynamics and the water cycle
OM006Abstract Title: Integrating Observations of Plankton Communities and Physiology into Numerical Models
HE007Abstract Title: Melting of glaciers, icebergs, ice shelves, and coastal permafrost and impacts on physical properties and biogeochemistry of the ocean
ME002Abstract Title: Emerging contaminants in coastal and marine ecosystems
HE004Abstract Title: Ice-Ocean Interactions and Circulation around the Antarctic Margins
PL003Abstract Title: Biophysical dynamics of boundary upwelling systems in a changing ocean: Synthesis of current knowledge and future observational and modeling approaches
BN012Abstract Title: Interdisciplinary observations of the biological carbon pump
ED009Abstract Title: Ocean Scientists of Tomorrow: K-12 Student Session
HE002Abstract Title: Carbon cycling in Arctic Ocean and adjacent marginal seas under a changing climate
E001Abstract Title: Impacts of multiple stressors in coastal ecosystems on organism health
AI011Abstract Title: Surface Currents in a Coupled Air/Sea System: Physics and Applications
PL005Abstract Title: From WOCE through CLIVAR to GO-SHIP: Results from Global Repeat Hydrographic Surveys
OC002Abstract Title: Advances in Modeling O2 and pH in the Ocean: From Physics to Fish
OM005Abstract Title: High-Resolution Ocean Modelling for Ocean-Ice Sheet Interaction Studies around the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets
HE011Abstract Title: Similarities and differences of Ocean dynamics at both ends of the globe
OD007Abstract Title: Utilizing Cloud Infrastructure and Annotation Tools to Manage Complex and Voluminous Oceanographic Data Files.
CD008Abstract Title: Remote sensing in the estuarine and coastal zones: Applications on scales of ~1 km to 100s of km
ED015Abstract Title: Undergraduate Research in Aquatic Sciences
CT001Abstract Title: Abiotic and Biotic Retention, Recycling, and Remineralization of Metals in the Ocean
AI013Abstract Title: Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: From Weather to Climate
CD006Abstract Title: Land-Ocean linkages along shallow coastlines under human impact
AI008Abstract Title: Ocean salinity and its role in ocean dynamics and the water cycle
ME004Abstract Title: Processes Impacting the Distribution and Fate of Oil in the Marine Environment
PC011Abstract Title: Towards a 1.5oC World: The Ocean Response
OM004Abstract Title: Ensemble Modeling Approaches in Physical and Biogeochemical Oceanography
F003Abstract Title: I am ready for my close-up! Using state-of-the-art imagery to study marine wildlife and their habitats.
PS005Abstract Title: Key Ocean Science Opportunities and Challenges from the SWOT Mission
PS002Abstract Title: Facing the challenges in interpreting high resolution satellite observations due to the co-existence of internal gravity waves and balanced motions in the world oceans
EP004Abstract Title: Biological-physical processes in nearshore and shallow-coastal environments
IS012Abstract Title: Sea Surface Roughness Observed by High Resolution Radar
PC006Abstract Title: Nano- and Micro-scale Chemical Signatures in the Ocean: Small Signals from Climate and Microbes with a Big Impact
BN010Abstract Title: Impacts of animals on nutrient, oxygen and carbon cycling
ED006Abstract Title: Methods and Partnerships in Limnology and Oceanography Education
224130Abstract Title: Particulate Matter in the Ocean: Decadal Comparisons between Ocean Basin Sections of Beam Attenuation
OM003Abstract Title: Development and advances of modeling and forecasting marine biogeochemistry and ecosystems
HE008Abstract Title: North Atlantic – Nordic seas – Arctic Ocean heat exchanges: Processes and Impacts
EP006Abstract Title: Ecological Fluid Mechanics - Interactions among Organisms and their Fluid Environment
RS005Abstract Title: The Red Sea: A Laboratory for Ocean Processes in a Changing World
AI005Abstract Title: Ocean-Atmosphere System Geoengineering: Benefits and Detriments
ED001Abstract Title: ASLOMP Student Symposium
E004Abstract Title: The Dynamics of Estuaries and Coastal Buoyancy-driven Flows
ME006Abstract Title: Remote Sensing of Coral Reef Ecosystems
BN023Abstract Title: We shed light: Optical and imaging insights into the Biological Carbon Pump
OD008Abstract Title: Visualization, Statistics, and Model Validation of Big Data for Oceanography
AI010Abstract Title: Southern Ocean air-sea exchange and mixed-layer processes
IS002Abstract Title: Advancing Ocean Biogeochemistry with In Situ Technologies and Observation Networks
ED009Abstract Title: Ocean Scientists of Tomorrow: K-12 Student Session
AI005Abstract Title: Ocean-Atmosphere System Geoengineering: Benefits and Detriments
BN002Abstract Title: Advances in Aquatic Respiration: New Ideas, Conceptual Models, and Recent Findings on Plankton Community Respiration
ED005Abstract Title: Innovations in Interdisciplinary Ocean Leadership & Workforce Development for Early Career Scientists
PO005Abstract Title: Multiscale topographic effects on large-scale flow: From wakes and lee waves to small-scale turbulence and mixing
RS006Abstract Title: The Regional Ocean Circulation, Water Exchanges and related Studies in the South China Sea
ME002Abstract Title: Emerging contaminants in coastal and marine ecosystems
CD001Abstract Title: Advancing Water Quality Monitoring and Forecasting in Coastal and Inland Waters
HE013Abstract Title: The Distributed Biological Observatory: An Expanding Change Detection Array in the Marine Arctic
PL008Abstract Title: Ocean Surface and Internal Tides
OM007Abstract Title: Modeling the Climate System at High Resolution
OC008Abstract Title: Seasonal to Decadal Modeling of a Changing Ocean for Marine Resource Managers
AI012Abstract Title: The influence of El Niño Southern Oscillation on biogeochemical cycling in eastern boundary upwelling system oxygen minimum zones and air-sea exchange in the overlying waters
MM003Abstract Title: Coastal ecosystem exometabolites: linking the composition of dissolved organic matter to biological structure and process in nearshore habitats
ED004Abstract Title: How to Maximize Broader Impacts through Innovative Communication
HE003Abstract Title: Freshwater Fluxes in the Arctic Ocean – North Atlantic Climate System
HE002Abstract Title: Carbon cycling in Arctic Ocean and adjacent marginal seas under a changing climate
PC007Abstract Title: Oceanic Climate and Ecosystem Variability and Change in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems
OM001Abstract Title: Advances in Coastal Ocean Modeling, Prediction, and Ocean Observing System Evaluation
ED010Abstract Title: Promoting environmental and conservation sciences through successful communication
MM005Abstract Title: Marine Microbial Eukaryotes: Environmental 'Omics and Molecular Ecology Approaches
MG003Abstract Title: Sediment Delivery, Transport, and Deposition in Shallow Water Environments
EP003Abstract Title: Basin to global scale ocean transport, connectivity, and dispersal: interdisciplinary connections
MM001Abstract Title: A Matter of Life and Death: The Role of Microbial Interactions in Mediating Biogeochemical Cycles
ES004Abstract Title: Ocean Renewable Energy: Resource Characterization, Environmental Impacts, and Societal Interactions
PL011Abstract Title: Transient Eddies, Stationary Meanders and Southern Ocean Circulation and Tracer Transport
CT004Abstract Title: New approaches to opening DOM’s ”black box” using its optical and chemcial properties
CD005Abstract Title: Connecting “Roughness” and “Bathymetry”: Resolving the Often-Unresolved Interactions Between Time-Varying Flow and Topography
OC009Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variability of Seawater Chemistry in Coastal Ecosystems in the Context of Global Change
PS003Abstract Title: How do submesoscale and internal wave driven mixing matter on global and regional scales?
HE008Abstract Title: North Atlantic – Nordic seas – Arctic Ocean heat exchanges: Processes and Impacts
OD004Abstract Title: FAIR Data: The Technical and Social Benefits to the Researcher.
F002Abstract Title: Getting to the bottom of bycatch: place-based risk assessment of marine megafauna incidental catch
AI004Abstract Title: Gases as Tracers of Ocean Biogeochemical and Physical Processes
CT005Abstract Title: The Behavior of Trace Elements and Isotopes in Different Ocean Basins: New Insights from Comparisons and Contrasts
ME006Abstract Title: Remote Sensing of Coral Reef Ecosystems
ED012Abstract Title: Shifting Paradigms in Undergraduate Earth and Ocean Sciences Education
230412Abstract Title: Ocean stratification reduces melt rates at the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
AI010Abstract Title: Southern Ocean air-sea exchange and mixed-layer processes
ED004Abstract Title: How to Maximize Broader Impacts through Innovative Communication
HE011Abstract Title: Similarities and differences of Ocean dynamics at both ends of the globe
E005Abstract Title: Tidal river dynamics: observation, prediction and modeling
HE010Abstract Title: Response of the southern ocean, sea-ice and ice shelves to the changing climate
CD001Abstract Title: Advancing Water Quality Monitoring and Forecasting in Coastal and Inland Waters
PL003Abstract Title: Biophysical dynamics of boundary upwelling systems in a changing ocean: Synthesis of current knowledge and future observational and modeling approaches
HE006Abstract Title: Linkages between environmental drivers and structure of Arctic ecosystems.
PL007Abstract Title: New Insights into the Dynamics of the Western Tropical Indian Ocean
CD010Abstract Title: The Inner Shelf - Opening the Black Box Connecting the Coastal Ocean and the Surf Zone
IS008Abstract Title: Lidar-based estimation of the surface and vertical ocean physical, optical and bigeochemical properties
ED011Abstract Title: Researcher and Educator Partnerships: What has worked and what has not, Lessons from the Field and classrooms.
OM002Abstract Title: Advances in Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification for Ocean Forecasting and Analysis
BN011Abstract Title: Impacts of dams on terrestrial flux and biogeochemical processes within the large river-estuary continuum
OD005Abstract Title: Machine learning in biologial oceanography
222072Abstract Title: Swarm-scale eddies generated by collective swimmers
OD006Abstract Title: Real-Time Quality Control of Oceanographic Data Emerging Technologies and their Data QC Practices
IS013Abstract Title: Technology Advances in Deep Ocean Observing
EP002Abstract Title: Aquatic Flux Studies - New Ecological Findings and In Situ Approaches
PL001Abstract Title: Advances in our understanding of the meridional overturning circulation in the South Atlantic
MM002Abstract Title: Causes and consequences of microbial population and community dynamics
29982Abstract Title: Translating Arctic Ocean Science to Policy: Exploring the value of Ocean Observations for Policy and Decision Making
MM006Abstract Title: Ocean global change: teasing apart individual and interactive effects of drivers on microbes and plankton
PS004Abstract Title: Interaction between internal waves and multiple-scale dynamics
CD003Abstract Title: Changes in Community Composition, Phenology, Ecosystem Productivity, and Carbon Cycling from the Land-Ocean Interface to the Continental Margin
HE006Abstract Title: Linkages between environmental drivers and structure of Arctic ecosystems.
OM004Abstract Title: Ensemble Modeling Approaches in Physical and Biogeochemical Oceanography
ME001Abstract Title: Benthic Meiofauna Structure, Pattern and Function in Ocean Basins
OM002Abstract Title: Advances in Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification for Ocean Forecasting and Analysis
ME007Abstract Title: Zooplankton and Nekton: Gatekeepers of the Biological Pump
219816Abstract Title: Structure of the buoyant plume formed by Ob and Yenisei river discharge in the southern part of the Kara Sea during summer and autumn
E004Abstract Title: The Dynamics of Estuaries and Coastal Buoyancy-driven Flows
EP005Abstract Title: Closing the gap between wind stress and ecosystem productivity in eastern boundary upwelling regions
IS007Abstract Title: Innovative Uses of Autonomous Vehicles for Ocean Science
CT006Abstract Title: The Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter
IS008Abstract Title: Lidar-based estimation of the surface and vertical ocean physical, optical and bigeochemical properties
E005Abstract Title: Tidal river dynamics: observation, prediction and modeling
OD007Abstract Title: Utilizing Cloud Infrastructure and Annotation Tools to Manage Complex and Voluminous Oceanographic Data Files.
HE001Abstract Title: Biological hot spots in icy waters: polynyas in a changing climate
HE008Abstract Title: North Atlantic – Nordic seas – Arctic Ocean heat exchanges: Processes and Impacts
ED005Abstract Title: Innovations in Interdisciplinary Ocean Leadership & Workforce Development for Early Career Scientists
F002Abstract Title: Getting to the bottom of bycatch: place-based risk assessment of marine megafauna incidental catch
HE011Abstract Title: Similarities and differences of Ocean dynamics at both ends of the globe
BN005Abstract Title: Biogeochemical Argo Science and Regional Profiling Float Studies including SOCCOM, NAOS, remOcean, INBOX and IOBioArgo
RS005Abstract Title: The Red Sea: A Laboratory for Ocean Processes in a Changing World
MG002Abstract Title: Seabed Mapping; A Global Challenge
E004Abstract Title: The Dynamics of Estuaries and Coastal Buoyancy-driven Flows
OC002Abstract Title: Advances in Modeling O2 and pH in the Ocean: From Physics to Fish
OC007Abstract Title: Open Ocean – Coral Reef Teleconnections
OD001Abstract Title: Big Data for a Big Ocean: Progress on Tools, Technology, and Services
PS007Abstract Title: Transport and Coherent Structures: New and Traditional Approaches for Studying Ocean Stirring and Mixing
PC010Abstract Title: The Role of the Southern Ocean in the Global Carbon Cycle
BN014Abstract Title: Land-Sea Connections in the Global Carbon Cycle
PC011Abstract Title: Towards a 1.5oC World: The Ocean Response
ME005Abstract Title: Recent Deep Water Geological and Biological Discoveries in the Central, Southern, and Western Pacific Ocean
IS011Abstract Title: Ocean Observatory Science – From Events to Climate
B001Abstract Title: How do species interactions, connectivity, and the environment drive the biodiversity and assembly of marine metacommunities?
MM003Abstract Title: Coastal ecosystem exometabolites: linking the composition of dissolved organic matter to biological structure and process in nearshore habitats
ED006Abstract Title: Methods and Partnerships in Limnology and Oceanography Education
OD007Abstract Title: Utilizing Cloud Infrastructure and Annotation Tools to Manage Complex and Voluminous Oceanographic Data Files.
PL012Abstract Title: Western Pacific and Indonesian seas circulation and its environmental and climatic impacts
ME007Abstract Title: Zooplankton and Nekton: Gatekeepers of the Biological Pump
AI011Abstract Title: Surface Currents in a Coupled Air/Sea System: Physics and Applications
CD009Abstract Title: Resolving Temporal (Hours-Days) and Spatial (100s m) Scales of Oceanographic Processes
230412Abstract Title: Ocean stratification reduces melt rates at the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
OD001Abstract Title: Big Data for a Big Ocean: Progress on Tools, Technology, and Services
CD010Abstract Title: The Inner Shelf - Opening the Black Box Connecting the Coastal Ocean and the Surf Zone
BN017Abstract Title: New insights into marine N2 fixation: from single cells to ecosystems
ED003Abstract Title: Ecology, Oceanography, and Proximity: Taking the first steps towards evaluating MPA objectives
ME008Abstract Title: Zooplankton Productivity as a Function of Trophodynamics in Marine Ecosystems
ED012Abstract Title: Shifting Paradigms in Undergraduate Earth and Ocean Sciences Education
BN022Abstract Title: Understanding Controls on Marine Nitrogen Cycling: From Microbes To The Global Ocean
ES002Abstract Title: At The Edge: Coastal Science Supporting Community Resilience
PS006Abstract Title: Recent Advancements in Stratified Turbulent Mixing
OM001Abstract Title: Advances in Coastal Ocean Modeling, Prediction, and Ocean Observing System Evaluation
BN017Abstract Title: New insights into marine N2 fixation: from single cells to ecosystems
PO006Abstract Title: Understanding the differing roles of ocean ventilation and mixing on heat and carbon uptake
BN003Abstract Title: Advances in the marine silicon cycle
219816Abstract Title: Structure of the buoyant plume formed by Ob and Yenisei river discharge in the southern part of the Kara Sea during summer and autumn
CD010Abstract Title: The Inner Shelf - Opening the Black Box Connecting the Coastal Ocean and the Surf Zone
OM001Abstract Title: Advances in Coastal Ocean Modeling, Prediction, and Ocean Observing System Evaluation
215915Abstract Title: Why Are High-Resolution Western Boundary Currents Required to Properly Model Their Influence on Mid-latitude Weather and Climate?
215915Abstract Title: Why Are High-Resolution Western Boundary Currents Required to Properly Model Their Influence on Mid-latitude Weather and Climate?
CD008Abstract Title: Remote sensing in the estuarine and coastal zones: Applications on scales of ~1 km to 100s of km
PL001Abstract Title: Advances in our understanding of the meridional overturning circulation in the South Atlantic
AI006Abstract Title: Ocean Biogeochemistry and Air-Sea Interactions
BN022Abstract Title: Understanding Controls on Marine Nitrogen Cycling: From Microbes To The Global Ocean
OC011Abstract Title: The ocean carbon cycle across timescales
BN023Abstract Title: We shed light: Optical and imaging insights into the Biological Carbon Pump
PO003Abstract Title: Detection, Analysis and Modeling of the Distribution and Transport of Oceanic Debris
HE015Abstract Title: Toward sustained Arctic and Antarctic marine observing systems: High-latitude in situ measurements and sampling, autonomous platforms, observing system design and implementation
IS010Abstract Title: New Platform and Sensor Technologies: Advancing Research, Readiness and Transitioning for Sustained Ocean Observing of Essential Ocean Variables
IS012Abstract Title: Sea Surface Roughness Observed by High Resolution Radar
OC002Abstract Title: Advances in Modeling O2 and pH in the Ocean: From Physics to Fish
EP004Abstract Title: Biological-physical processes in nearshore and shallow-coastal environments
EP012Abstract Title: Topographic Influences on Oceanographic Processes, Marine Communities, and Ecology
BN010Abstract Title: Impacts of animals on nutrient, oxygen and carbon cycling
CD006Abstract Title: Land-Ocean linkages along shallow coastlines under human impact
PC011Abstract Title: Towards a 1.5oC World: The Ocean Response
OC007Abstract Title: Open Ocean – Coral Reef Teleconnections
BN008Abstract Title: Building biogeochemical bonds: Identifying the influence of macro and micro-nutrient cycling on marine carbon and nitrogen
RS001Abstract Title: Gulf of Mexico Loop Current and Eddies: Observations, Impacts, and Forecasts
PC003Abstract Title: El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diversity, Predictability, and Impacts
BN015Abstract Title: Linking modern "omics" techniques and ecosystem models
F002Abstract Title: Getting to the bottom of bycatch: place-based risk assessment of marine megafauna incidental catch
PS004Abstract Title: Interaction between internal waves and multiple-scale dynamics
HE001Abstract Title: Biological hot spots in icy waters: polynyas in a changing climate
PC012Abstract Title: Tracking ocean heat content and its role in Earth’s climate variability and change
PS007Abstract Title: Transport and Coherent Structures: New and Traditional Approaches for Studying Ocean Stirring and Mixing
AI013Abstract Title: Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: From Weather to Climate
30132Abstract Title: the Global Warming Hiatus workshop
HE009Abstract Title: Particle dynamics and particle export in the polar ocean
ED014Abstract Title: Societal Applications of Deep-Ocean Observations
EP008Abstract Title: Impacts of ecological interactions on marine ecosystem dynamics: New insights from theory, models, and field measurements
CT002Abstract Title: How organic carbon gets oxidized: Physical, chemical and biological processes
CT002Abstract Title: How organic carbon gets oxidized: Physical, chemical and biological processes
ED013Abstract Title: “Ship-to-Shore”: Ocean Sciences in a Changing World
CD002Abstract Title: Barrier dynamics in a changing climate
HE007Abstract Title: Melting of glaciers, icebergs, ice shelves, and coastal permafrost and impacts on physical properties and biogeochemistry of the ocean
BN004Abstract Title: Biogeochemical and Ecological Change from Integrated, Multiscale Observations
OM004Abstract Title: Ensemble Modeling Approaches in Physical and Biogeochemical Oceanography
ME007Abstract Title: Zooplankton and Nekton: Gatekeepers of the Biological Pump
OC005Abstract Title: Multiple stressors and multiple disciplines: Understanding the consequences of global ocean change for marine species
PL005Abstract Title: From WOCE through CLIVAR to GO-SHIP: Results from Global Repeat Hydrographic Surveys
B002Abstract Title: Rediscovering marine biodiversity: progress, promise, and challenges of metabarcoding of microbes to mammals
BN003Abstract Title: Advances in the marine silicon cycle
MM009Abstract Title: The Dawn of BioGEOTRACES: Metal-Microbe Interactions in the Ocean
BN014Abstract Title: Land-Sea Connections in the Global Carbon Cycle
RS005Abstract Title: The Red Sea: A Laboratory for Ocean Processes in a Changing World
BN009Abstract Title: Evolution of Biogeochemical Cycles in the Arctic Ocean: Predicting the Impact from and on Climate Change.
HE014Abstract Title: The role of small-scale processes in the dynamics of the changing Arctic Ocean
AI012Abstract Title: The influence of El Niño Southern Oscillation on biogeochemical cycling in eastern boundary upwelling system oxygen minimum zones and air-sea exchange in the overlying waters
MM009Abstract Title: The Dawn of BioGEOTRACES: Metal-Microbe Interactions in the Ocean
BN016Abstract Title: Methane from the Subsurface through the Bio-, Hydro- and Atmosphere: Advances in Natural Hydrate Systems and Methane Seeps in Marine Ecosystems
PC009Abstract Title: The Ocean as a Mediator of Climate and Climate Change
230412Abstract Title: Ocean stratification reduces melt rates at the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
HE010Abstract Title: Response of the southern ocean, sea-ice and ice shelves to the changing climate
MG004Abstract Title: Trawling-Induced Sedimentary Processes in Continental Shelf and Slope Environments
MM002Abstract Title: Causes and consequences of microbial population and community dynamics
BN020Abstract Title: The Impact of Global Environmental Change on Biogeochemical Processes in Marine Sediments
PC005Abstract Title: Meridional Overturning Circulation dynamics in past warm and cold climates
RS002Abstract Title: Ocean circulation and air-sea interaction in the Bay of Bengal
ED011Abstract Title: Researcher and Educator Partnerships: What has worked and what has not, Lessons from the Field and classrooms.
PO003Abstract Title: Detection, Analysis and Modeling of the Distribution and Transport of Oceanic Debris
MM001Abstract Title: A Matter of Life and Death: The Role of Microbial Interactions in Mediating Biogeochemical Cycles
CD007Abstract Title: Nearshore Processes
E004Abstract Title: The Dynamics of Estuaries and Coastal Buoyancy-driven Flows
OM009Abstract Title: Ocean Model Coupling (Air-Ocean, Ice-Ocean, Wave-Ocean) on Subseasonal through Interannual Time Scales to Support the National Earth System Prediction Capability
OM007Abstract Title: Modeling the Climate System at High Resolution
BN023Abstract Title: We shed light: Optical and imaging insights into the Biological Carbon Pump
ED011Abstract Title: Researcher and Educator Partnerships: What has worked and what has not, Lessons from the Field and classrooms.
OC011Abstract Title: The ocean carbon cycle across timescales
CT003Abstract Title: Integrative Approaches and Emerging Techniques to Study the Sources and Cycling of Organic Matter Through Isotope Ecology and Geochemistry
ED002Abstract Title: Crowd-operations to Outreach on Ocean Sciences
PC007Abstract Title: Oceanic Climate and Ecosystem Variability and Change in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems,
PS002Abstract Title: Facing the challenges in interpreting high resolution satellite observations due to the co-existence of internal gravity waves and balanced motions in the world oceans
IS010Abstract Title: New Platform and Sensor Technologies: Advancing Research, Readiness and Transitioning for Sustained Ocean Observing of Essential Ocean Variables
PC002Abstract Title: Causes of Contemporary Sea Level Variability and Change from Global to Coastal Scales
IS002Abstract Title: Advancing Ocean Biogeochemistry with In Situ Technologies and Observation Networks
230412Abstract Title: Ocean stratification reduces melt rates at the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
HE015Abstract Title: Toward sustained Arctic and Antarctic marine observing systems: High-latitude in situ measurements and sampling, autonomous platforms, observing system design and implementation
ES003Abstract Title: Marine Ecosystem Forecasting for Decision-Making
ED007Abstract Title: Ocean Knowledge and Engagement: the Potential of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
215915Abstract Title: Why Are High-Resolution Western Boundary Currents Required to Properly Model Their Influence on Mid-latitude Weather and Climate?
ED004Abstract Title: How to Maximize Broader Impacts through Innovative Communication
CD007Abstract Title: Nearshore Processes
BN017Abstract Title: New insights into marine N2 fixation: from single cells to ecosystems
MM008Abstract Title: Scaling from diazotroph gene diversity, gene expression, and community composition to N2 fixation rates
CD002Abstract Title: Barrier dynamics in a changing climate
HE013Abstract Title: The Distributed Biological Observatory: An Expanding Change Detection Array in the Marine Arctic
RS003Abstract Title: Physical, Chemical and Ecological Environment of Deep Marginal Seas
HE012Abstract Title: The Connections Among Changes in the Arctic Ocean, World Ocean, and Climate
PL011Abstract Title: Transient Eddies, Stationary Meanders and Southern Ocean Circulation and Tracer Transport
OC004Abstract Title: Effective tools for local and regional stakeholders to address coastal acidification challenges
IS003Abstract Title: From watersheds to the open ocean: advances in remote sensing for monitoring water quality, food security, ecosystems, and change
RS004Abstract Title: Regional heterogeneity in the subarctic Pacific: Implications for oceanographic processes and biological communities
IS010Abstract Title: New Platform and Sensor Technologies: Advancing Research, Readiness and Transitioning for Sustained Ocean Observing of Essential Ocean Variables
IS002Abstract Title: Advancing Ocean Biogeochemistry with In Situ Technologies and Observation Networks
PC005Abstract Title: Meridional Overturning Circulation dynamics in past warm and cold climates
F001Abstract Title: Climate Impacts on Marine Fish, Fisheries, and Protected Species
B003Abstract Title: The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON): Building Partnerships Towards a Better Understanding of Life in the Sea
B001Abstract Title: How do species interactions, connectivity, and the environment drive the biodiversity and assembly of marine metacommunities?
PO005Abstract Title: Multiscale topographic effects on large-scale flow: From wakes and lee waves to small-scale turbulence and mixing
HE003Abstract Title: Freshwater Fluxes in the Arctic Ocean – North Atlantic Climate System
PC008Abstract Title: Placing the North Pacific in a Global Climate Framework
PL009Abstract Title: The Driving Forces of the Ocean’s General Circulation
MM012Abstract Title: Functional, ecological, and evolutionary implications of microdiversity and intra-specific variability in aquatic microorganisms
ES004Abstract Title: Ocean Renewable Energy: Resource Characterization, Environmental Impacts, and Societal Interactions
B001Abstract Title: How do species interactions, connectivity, and the environment drive the biodiversity and assembly of marine metacommunities?,
MM003Abstract Title: Coastal ecosystem exometabolites: linking the composition of dissolved organic matter to biological structure and process in nearshore habitats
BN012Abstract Title: Interdisciplinary observations of the biological carbon pump
BN019Abstract Title: Organic matter – microbe interactions: underlying links and constraints
AI009Abstract Title: Role of oceans in tropical/extratropical air-sea interactions
AI002Abstract Title: Air-Sea Exchange Processes in Western Boundary Current Systems and Marginal Seas: Their Local and Remote Climatic Implications,
AI003Abstract Title: Air-Sea Interaction at the Mesoscale and Submesoscale,
PO002Abstract Title: Air-Sea Exchange Processes in Western Boundary Current Systems and Marginal Seas: Their Local and Remote Climatic Implications
MG004Abstract Title: Trawling-Induced Sedimentary Processes in Continental Shelf and Slope Environments
PC001Abstract Title: Advances in understanding marine heatwaves and their impacts
BN012Abstract Title: Interdisciplinary observations of the biological carbon pump
OC008Abstract Title: Seasonal to Decadal Modeling of a Changing Ocean for Marine Resource Managers
RS001Abstract Title: Gulf of Mexico Loop Current and Eddies: Observations, Impacts, and Forecasts
OD005Abstract Title: Machine learning in biologial oceanography
CD007Abstract Title: Nearshore Processes
RS004Abstract Title: Regional heterogeneity in the subarctic Pacific: Implications for oceanographic processes and biological communities
AI014Abstract Title: Turbulent Air-Sea Fluxes: Observations and Modeling
219816Abstract Title: Structure of the buoyant plume formed by Ob and Yenisei river discharge in the southern part of the Kara Sea during summer and autumn
CT004Abstract Title: New approaches to opening DOM’s ”black box” using its optical and chemcial properties
BN019Abstract Title: Organic matter – microbe interactions: underlying links and constraints
IS006Abstract Title: Innovative and Emerging Research Technologies with proven or potential for High Impact in the Marine Sciences
BN002Abstract Title: Advances in Aquatic Respiration: New Ideas, Conceptual Models, and Recent Findings on Plankton Community Respiration
IS001Abstract Title: Advances in approaches to monitoring the occurrence, distribution, behavior, and ecology of top predators
PC013Abstract Title: Utilizing Ecological and Oceanographic Records to Understand Ecological Responses to Modern Climate Change
OD003Abstract Title: Data rescue and synthesis for climate and environmental science
CD004Abstract Title: Close-Range Remote Sensing of Nearshore Processes and Coastal Morphology
AI007Abstract Title: Ocean Carbon Hot Spots: Biogeochemical cycling and anthropogenic carbon export in mode and intermediate water formation regions
215915Abstract Title: Why Are High-Resolution Western Boundary Currents Required to Properly Model Their Influence on Mid-latitude Weather and Climate?
213258Abstract Title: New High-Resolution Regional Climatologies for the North Pacific Ocean
MM006Abstract Title: Ocean global change: teasing apart individual and interactive effects of drivers on microbes and plankton
BN013Abstract Title: Investigating marine microbial interactions with stable isotopes
ED012Abstract Title: Shifting Paradigms in Undergraduate Earth and Ocean Sciences Education
OD006Abstract Title: Real-Time Quality Control of Oceanographic Data Emerging Technologies and their Data QC Practices
219816Abstract Title: Structure of the buoyant plume formed by Ob and Yenisei river discharge in the southern part of the Kara Sea during summer and autumn
PL001Abstract Title: Advances in our understanding of the meridional overturning circulation in the South Atlantic
RS001Abstract Title: Gulf of Mexico Loop Current and Eddies: Observations, Impacts, and Forecasts
AI006Abstract Title: Ocean Biogeochemistry and Air-Sea Interactions
210209Abstract Title: Changes In Marine Ecosystem: Evaluating the Impacts Of Climate Change Using Application Of Information And Communication Technologies For Protection And Sustainable Exploitation of Coastal And Marine Resourses.,
211415Abstract Title: Application of Information and Communication Technologies for Coastal and Ocean Governance for Sustaining Fishery Sector in Aisa- Pacific and Beyond.
EP004Abstract Title: Biological-physical processes in nearshore and shallow-coastal environments
OD009Abstract Title: Yes they're Free: Open Access Data for Ocean Sciences
HE005Abstract Title: Linkages among changes in physical and biogeochemical processes in the Eurasian sector of the Arctic Ocean
CT003Abstract Title: Integrative Approaches and Emerging Techniques to Study the Sources and Cycling of Organic Matter Through Isotope Ecology and Geochemistry
219816Abstract Title: Structure of the buoyant plume formed by Ob and Yenisei river discharge in the southern part of the Kara Sea during summer and autumn
HE005Abstract Title: Linkages among changes in physical and biogeochemical processes in the Eurasian sector of the Arctic Ocean
PC002Abstract Title: Causes of Contemporary Sea Level Variability and Change from Global to Coastal Scales
ES004Abstract Title: Ocean Renewable Energy: Resource Characterization, Environmental Impacts, and Societal Interactions
ES001Abstract Title: Assessing the Ecosystem Services of the 21 Largest Freshwater Lakes on Earth
F003Abstract Title: I am ready for my close-up! Using state-of-the-art imagery to study marine wildlife and their habitats.
230412Abstract Title: Ocean stratification reduces melt rates at the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
PC008Abstract Title: Placing the North Pacific in a Global Climate Framework
PL004Abstract Title: Deep and Abyssal Ocean Circulations in the Pacific: Characterization, Dynamics, and Representation
OC001Abstract Title: Advances in field and laboratory approaches to measure the response of organisms and species assemblages to ocean change
PL010Abstract Title: The Fate of Antarctic Bottom Water: Ventilation, Circulation, and Mixing of the Abyssal Ocean
BN022Abstract Title: Understanding Controls on Marine Nitrogen Cycling: From Microbes To The Global Ocean
PO004Abstract Title: Meteotsunami Causes and Formation, Recent Events, and Forecast-Warning Systems
BN008Abstract Title: Building biogeochemical bonds: Identifying the influence of macro and micro-nutrient cycling on marine carbon and nitrogen
BN003Abstract Title: Advances in the marine silicon cycle
ED013Abstract Title: “Ship-to-Shore”: Ocean Sciences in a Changing World
MM012Abstract Title: Functional, ecological, and evolutionary implications of microdiversity and intra-specific variability in aquatic microorganisms
ES003Abstract Title: Marine Ecosystem Forecasting for Decision-Making
EP002Abstract Title: Aquatic Flux Studies - New Ecological Findings and In Situ Approaches
HE005Abstract Title: Linkages among changes in physical and biogeochemical processes in the Eurasian sector of the Arctic Ocean
PC010Abstract Title: The Role of the Southern Ocean in the Global Carbon Cycle
213482Abstract Title: The Dynamic Likelihood Filter
EP004Abstract Title: Biological-physical processes in nearshore and shallow-coastal environments
CD006Abstract Title: Land-Ocean linkages along shallow coastlines under human impact
F003Abstract Title: I am ready for my close-up! Using state-of-the-art imagery to study marine wildlife and their habitats.
OM005Abstract Title: High-Resolution Ocean Modelling for Ocean-Ice Sheet Interaction Studies around the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets
OC005Abstract Title: Multiple stressors and multiple disciplines: Understanding the consequences of global ocean change for marine species
RS006Abstract Title: The Regional Ocean Circulation, Water Exchanges and related Studies in the South China Sea
IS004Abstract Title: Identification and Quantification of Plastic Particle Pollution and its Impact on the Environment
BN002Abstract Title: Advances in Aquatic Respiration: New Ideas, Conceptual Models, and Recent Findings on Plankton Community Respiration
OM004Abstract Title: Ensemble Modeling Approaches in Physical and Biogeochemical Oceanography
AI011Abstract Title: Surface Currents in a Coupled Air/Sea System: Physics and Applications
ED015Abstract Title: Undergraduate Research in Aquatic Sciences
CD005Abstract Title: Connecting “Roughness” and “Bathymetry”: Resolving the Often-Unresolved Interactions Between Time-Varying Flow and Topography
EP003Abstract Title: Basin to global scale ocean transport, connectivity, and dispersal: interdisciplinary connections
ME005Abstract Title: Recent Deep Water Geological and Biological Discoveries in the Central, Southern, and Western Pacific Ocean
PS001Abstract Title: Deep Ocean Communication Through Topographic Pathways
29970Abstract Title: Deep Ocean Observing Strategy (DOOS) Town Hall
OM007Abstract Title: Modeling the Climate System at High Resolution
EP005Abstract Title: Closing the gap between wind stress and ecosystem productivity in eastern boundary upwelling regions
PS007Abstract Title: Transport and Coherent Structures: New and Traditional Approaches for Studying Ocean Stirring and Mixing
F001Abstract Title: Climate Impacts on Marine Fish, Fisheries, and Protected Species
CD009Abstract Title: Resolving Temporal (Hours-Days) and Spatial (100s m) Scales of Oceanographic Processes
OM008Abstract Title: Multiscale and multiphysics modeling of coastal and regional ocean processes: Recent progress and challenges for the future
ME008Abstract Title: Zooplankton Productivity as a Function of Trophodynamics in Marine Ecosystems
OD009Abstract Title: Yes they're Free: Open Access Data for Ocean Sciences
ED002Abstract Title: Crowd-operations to Outreach on Ocean Sciences
ES005Abstract Title: Transdisciplinary research to assess marine socio-ecological systems
OC006Abstract Title: Ocean Deoxygenation: Impacts and Predictions
BN018Abstract Title: Observations and modeling of marine biogeochemical variability
OM005Abstract Title: High-Resolution Ocean Modelling for Ocean-Ice Sheet Interaction Studies around the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets
EP009Abstract Title: Open ocean biological-physical interactions in the Eastern North Pacific from low to mid latitudes through in situ observations, satellite data and models
BN020Abstract Title: The Impact of Global Environmental Change on Biogeochemical Processes in Marine Sediments
EP001Abstract Title: Anthropogenic Structures: Ecological Connectivity and Biological Effects
EP007Abstract Title: From Physics to Predators: Understanding Bottom-up Forcing of Pelagic Ecosystems
ED005Abstract Title: Innovations in Interdisciplinary Ocean Leadership & Workforce Development for Early Career Scientists
ES001Abstract Title: Assessing the Ecosystem Services of the 21 Largest Freshwater Lakes on Earth
OM008Abstract Title: Multiscale and multiphysics modeling of coastal and regional ocean processes: Recent progress and challenges for the future
BN014Abstract Title: Land-Sea Connections in the Global Carbon Cycle
213258Abstract Title: New High-Resolution Regional Climatologies for the North Pacific Ocean
PO004Abstract Title: Meteotsunami Causes and Formation, Recent Events, and Forecast-Warning Systems
MM007Abstract Title: Phytoplankton-Bacteria Interactions - From Microscales to Ocean-scales
OC003Abstract Title: Changing Ocean Biogeochemistry in a High CO2 World: Observations across Time and Space
MM009Abstract Title: The Dawn of BioGEOTRACES: Metal-Microbe Interactions in the Ocean
OC007Abstract Title: Open Ocean – Coral Reef Teleconnections
ED013Abstract Title: “Ship-to-Shore”: Ocean Sciences in a Changing World
PL007Abstract Title: New Insights into the Dynamics of the Western Tropical Indian Ocean
OD008Abstract Title: Visualization, Statistics, and Model Validation of Big Data for Oceanography
RS004Abstract Title: Regional heterogeneity in the subarctic Pacific: Implications for oceanographic processes and biological communities
230412Abstract Title: Ocean stratification reduces melt rates at the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
CD001Abstract Title: Advancing Water Quality Monitoring and Forecasting in Coastal and Inland Waters
30022Abstract Title: NOAA Sea Level Review
MM012Abstract Title: Functional, ecological, and evolutionary implications of microdiversity and intra-specific variability in aquatic microorganisms
OD002Abstract Title: Feast after the famine: Discoveries based on big data
BN022Abstract Title: Understanding Controls on Marine Nitrogen Cycling: From Microbes To The Global Ocean
BN006Abstract Title: Biogeochemical Processes Across Oxic-Anoxic Transitions
RS003Abstract Title: Physical, Chemical and Ecological Environment of Deep Marginal Seas
PC006Abstract Title: Nano- and Micro-scale Chemical Signatures in the Ocean: Small Signals from Climate and Microbes with a Big Impact
ED008Abstract Title: Ocean Science: Informing Policy, Management, and the Public
PL002Abstract Title: Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Modeling and Observations
CD003Abstract Title: Changes in Community Composition, Phenology, Ecosystem Productivity, and Carbon Cycling from the Land-Ocean Interface to the Continental Margin
OD004Abstract Title: FAIR Data: The Technical and Social Benefits to the Researcher.
PC002Abstract Title: Causes of Contemporary Sea Level Variability and Change from Global to Coastal Scales
IS009Abstract Title: New Advances in Ocean and Climate Sciences Driven by Underway Measurements of Ocean and Atmospheric Properties
230412Abstract Title: Ocean stratification reduces melt rates at the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
CT004Abstract Title: New approaches to opening DOM’s ”black box” using its optical and chemcial properties
AI012Abstract Title: The influence of El Niño Southern Oscillation on biogeochemical cycling in eastern boundary upwelling system oxygen minimum zones and air-sea exchange in the overlying waters
MM010Abstract Title: Tools and cyber-infrastructure for microbial omics studies
HE004Abstract Title: Ice-Ocean Interactions and Circulation around the Antarctic Margins
OD002Abstract Title: Feast after the famine: Discoveries based on big data
B001Abstract Title: How do species interactions, connectivity, and the environment drive the biodiversity and assembly of marine metacommunities?
HE009Abstract Title: Particle dynamics and particle export in the polar ocean
OM006Abstract Title: Integrating Observations of Plankton Communities and Physiology into Numerical Models
OD009Abstract Title: Yes they're Free: Open Access Data for Ocean Sciences
PC012Abstract Title: Tracking ocean heat content and its role in Earth’s climate variability and change
CT007Abstract Title: Transient Tracers in the ocean: Age, Ventilation, Processes, Anthropogenic Carbon, Methods and Data
HE007Abstract Title: Melting of glaciers, icebergs, ice shelves, and coastal permafrost and impacts on physical properties and biogeochemistry of the ocean
RS004Abstract Title: Regional heterogeneity in the subarctic Pacific: Implications for oceanographic processes and biological communities
CT006Abstract Title: The Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter
MM004Abstract Title: Discoveries in viral ecology and microbial adaptation to extreme environments
MM011Abstract Title: Virus-host interactions and their biogeochemical impacts
ME003Abstract Title: Illuminating the twilight zone: Understanding mesopelagic communities, processes, and ecosystem services before potential large-scale resource extraction
AI010Abstract Title: Southern Ocean air-sea exchange and mixed-layer processes
OC009Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variability of Seawater Chemistry in Coastal Ecosystems in the Context of Global Change
E005Abstract Title: Tidal river dynamics: observation, prediction and modeling
PL009Abstract Title: The Driving Forces of the Ocean’s General Circulation
MM001Abstract Title: A Matter of Life and Death: The Role of Microbial Interactions in Mediating Biogeochemical Cycles
RS002Abstract Title: Ocean circulation and air-sea interaction in the Bay of Bengal
OM008Abstract Title: Multiscale and multiphysics modeling of coastal and regional ocean processes: Recent progress and challenges for the future
BN007Abstract Title: Biogeochemistry and Nutrients in open ocean waters: Sustainable Ocean Observations and Time Series Efforts.,
CT007Abstract Title: Transient Tracers in the ocean: Age, Ventilation, Processes, Anthropogenic Carbon, Methods and Data,
PL005Abstract Title: From WOCE through CLIVAR to GO-SHIP: Results from Global Repeat Hydrographic Surveys
BN004Abstract Title: Biogeochemical and Ecological Change from Integrated, Multiscale Observations
OC010Abstract Title: The Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network, GOA-ON: linking local information globally
ES005Abstract Title: Transdisciplinary research to assess marine socio-ecological systems
PC005Abstract Title: Meridional Overturning Circulation dynamics in past warm and cold climates
OD006Abstract Title: Real-Time Quality Control of Oceanographic Data Emerging Technologies and their Data QC Practices
HE004Abstract Title: Ice-Ocean Interactions and Circulation around the Antarctic Margins
EP011Abstract Title: Physical-biogeochemical interactions across scales: from microscale to mesoscale
BN016Abstract Title: Methane from the Subsurface through the Bio-, Hydro- and Atmosphere: Advances in Natural Hydrate Systems and Methane Seeps in Marine Ecosystems
RS001Abstract Title: Gulf of Mexico Loop Current and Eddies: Observations, Impacts, and Forecasts
HE014Abstract Title: The role of small-scale processes in the dynamics of the changing Arctic Ocean
E001Abstract Title: Impacts of multiple stressors in coastal ecosystems on organism health
219816Abstract Title: Structure of the buoyant plume formed by Ob and Yenisei river discharge in the southern part of the Kara Sea during summer and autumn
BN016Abstract Title: Methane from the Subsurface through the Bio-, Hydro- and Atmosphere: Advances in Natural Hydrate Systems and Methane Seeps in Marine Ecosystems
BN003Abstract Title: Advances in the marine silicon cycle
PC004Abstract Title: History and Development of Greenland Ice and Arctic Sea Ice
IS011Abstract Title: Ocean Observatory Science – From Events to Climate
230412Abstract Title: Ocean stratification reduces melt rates at the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
OC004Abstract Title: Effective tools for local and regional stakeholders to address coastal acidification challenges
IS003Abstract Title: From watersheds to the open ocean: advances in remote sensing for monitoring water quality, food security, ecosystems, and change
EP010Abstract Title: Patchiness is characteristic of the ocean environment and drives ecosystem processes; exploring environmental and ecosystem variability and its consequences, from the meso- to fine-scale.
E002Abstract Title: Observing and modeling wetland-estuarine exchanges and interactions: State of knowledge, challenges, and future directions
CD002Abstract Title: Barrier dynamics in a changing climate
OM006Abstract Title: Integrating Observations of Plankton Communities and Physiology into Numerical Models
PO003Abstract Title: Detection, Analysis and Modeling of the Distribution and Transport of Oceanic Debris
CD008Abstract Title: Remote sensing in the estuarine and coastal zones: Applications on scales of ~1 km to 100s of km
F002Abstract Title: Getting to the bottom of bycatch: place-based risk assessment of marine megafauna incidental catch
BN019Abstract Title: Organic matter – microbe interactions: underlying links and constraints
BN001Abstract Title: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Biological Carbon Pump: Understanding its Efficiency and Predicting its Future
RS002Abstract Title: Ocean circulation and air-sea interaction in the Bay of Bengal
IS012Abstract Title: Sea Surface Roughness Observed by High Resolution Radar
ED007Abstract Title: Ocean Knowledge and Engagement: the Potential of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
PC012Abstract Title: Tracking ocean heat content and its role in Earth’s climate variability and change
CD006Abstract Title: Land-Ocean linkages along shallow coastlines under human impact
CT006Abstract Title: The Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter
PC008Abstract Title: Placing the North Pacific in a Global Climate Framework
CD004Abstract Title: Close-Range Remote Sensing of Nearshore Processes and Coastal Morphology
ES002Abstract Title: At The Edge: Coastal Science Supporting Community Resilience
OD003Abstract Title: Data rescue and synthesis for climate and environmental science
MG003Abstract Title: Sediment Delivery, Transport, and Deposition in Shallow Water Environments
RS006Abstract Title: The Regional Ocean Circulation, Water Exchanges and related Studies in the South China Sea
PL004Abstract Title: Deep and Abyssal Ocean Circulations in the Pacific: Characterization, Dynamics, and Representation
BN011Abstract Title: Impacts of dams on terrestrial flux and biogeochemical processes within the large river-estuary continuum
PL004Abstract Title: Deep and Abyssal Ocean Circulations in the Pacific: Characterization, Dynamics, and Representation
216224Abstract Title: Responses of Estuaries to Interventions by Homo Sapiens: A Story of Recent Coastal Development Where Things Have Gone Right and Wrong
BN014Abstract Title: Land-Sea Connections in the Global Carbon Cycle
EP003Abstract Title: Basin to global scale ocean transport, connectivity, and dispersal: interdisciplinary connections
HE010Abstract Title: Response of the southern ocean, sea-ice and ice shelves to the changing climate
BN015Abstract Title: Linking modern "omics" techniques and ecosystem models
EP006Abstract Title: Ecological Fluid Mechanics - Interactions among Organisms and their Fluid Environment
HE015Abstract Title: Toward sustained Arctic and Antarctic marine observing systems: High-latitude in situ measurements and sampling, autonomous platforms, observing system design and implementation
CD009Abstract Title: Resolving Temporal (Hours-Days) and Spatial (100s m) Scales of Oceanographic Processes
RS006Abstract Title: The Regional Ocean Circulation, Water Exchanges and related Studies in the South China Sea
ED011Abstract Title: Researcher and Educator Partnerships: What has worked and what has not, Lessons from the Field and classrooms.
AI003Abstract Title: Air-Sea Interaction at the Mesoscale and Submesoscale
PC001Abstract Title: Advances in understanding marine heatwaves and their impacts
PS003Abstract Title: How do submesoscale and internal wave driven mixing matter on global and regional scales?
PS006Abstract Title: Recent Advancements in Stratified Turbulent Mixing
ED013Abstract Title: “Ship-to-Shore”: Ocean Sciences in a Changing World
RS002Abstract Title: Ocean circulation and air-sea interaction in the Bay of Bengal
OC003Abstract Title: Changing Ocean Biogeochemistry in a High CO2 World: Observations across Time and Space
E003Abstract Title: Processes and Management of Altered Estuaries in the Era of Anthropocene
PO006Abstract Title: Understanding the differing roles of ocean ventilation and mixing on heat and carbon uptake
HE006Abstract Title: Linkages between environmental drivers and structure of Arctic ecosystems.
HE012Abstract Title: The Connections Among Changes in the Arctic Ocean, World Ocean, and Climate
EP009Abstract Title: Open ocean biological-physical interactions in the Eastern North Pacific from low to mid latitudes through in situ observations, satellite data and models
PO006Abstract Title: Understanding the differing roles of ocean ventilation and mixing on heat and carbon uptake
OC006Abstract Title: Ocean Deoxygenation: Impacts and Predictions
EP008Abstract Title: Impacts of ecological interactions on marine ecosystem dynamics: New insights from theory, models, and field measurements
OD009Abstract Title: Yes they're Free: Open Access Data for Ocean Sciences
BN007Abstract Title: Biogeochemistry and Nutrients in open ocean waters: Sustainable Ocean Observations and Time Series Efforts.
PS003Abstract Title: How do submesoscale and internal wave driven mixing matter on global and regional scales?
PO004Abstract Title: Meteotsunami Causes and Formation, Recent Events, and Forecast-Warning Systems
CT004Abstract Title: New approaches to opening DOM’s ”black box” using its optical and chemcial properties
AI006Abstract Title: Ocean Biogeochemistry and Air-Sea Interactions
OM003Abstract Title: Development and advances of modeling and forecasting marine biogeochemistry and ecosystems
30132Abstract Title: the Global Warming Hiatus workshop
CT003Abstract Title: Integrative Approaches and Emerging Techniques to Study the Sources and Cycling of Organic Matter Through Isotope Ecology and Geochemistry
ES004Abstract Title: Ocean Renewable Energy: Resource Characterization, Environmental Impacts, and Societal Interactions
BN018Abstract Title: Observations and modeling of marine biogeochemical variability
ME008Abstract Title: Zooplankton Productivity as a Function of Trophodynamics in Marine Ecosystems
MM004Abstract Title: Discoveries in viral ecology and microbial adaptation to extreme environments
PS001Abstract Title: Deep Ocean Communication Through Topographic Pathways
PL012Abstract Title: Western Pacific and Indonesian seas circulation and its environmental and climatic impacts
PL012Abstract Title: Western Pacific and Indonesian seas circulation and its environmental and climatic impacts
EP001Abstract Title: Anthropogenic Structures: Ecological Connectivity and Biological Effects
PL008Abstract Title: Ocean Surface and Internal Tides
219816Abstract Title: Structure of the buoyant plume formed by Ob and Yenisei river discharge in the southern part of the Kara Sea during summer and autumn
AI007Abstract Title: Ocean Carbon Hot Spots: Biogeochemical cycling and anthropogenic carbon export in mode and intermediate water formation regions
PL002Abstract Title: Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Modeling and Observations
HE001Abstract Title: Biological hot spots in icy waters: polynyas in a changing climate
PL008Abstract Title: Ocean Surface and Internal Tides
PO006Abstract Title: Understanding the differing roles of ocean ventilation and mixing on heat and carbon uptake
CT002Abstract Title: How organic carbon gets oxidized: Physical, chemical and biological processes
MM011Abstract Title: Virus-host interactions and their biogeochemical impacts
IS006Abstract Title: Innovative and Emerging Research Technologies with proven or potential for High Impact in the Marine Sciences