Teaching Introductory Ocean and Environmental Sciences Courses: The Big Concepts
Teaching Introductory Ocean and Environmental Sciences Courses: The Big Concepts
Session ID#: 36383
Session Description:
Introductory ocean and environmental science courses provide an excellent opportunity to prepare both majors and non-majors for thinking about some of the largest issues facing society such as climate change and energy needs. Introductory courses can also serve to recruit students from highly diverse backgrounds into the field. Often, these courses are large (>50 students). This workshop will provide strategies to overcome some of the challenges of these large introductory courses while making your teaching engaging, relevant, and effective. A special emphasis is placed on a few big concepts that can help organize examples and knowledge to help students grapple with future ocean and environmental issues. Come ready to share ideas, to think actively about teaching and learning, and to discuss what works and why.
Submitter: Robert F Chen, University of Massachusetts Boston, School for the Environment, Boston, MA, United States
Onsite Contact: Robert F Chen, University of Massachusetts Boston, School for the Environment, Boston, MA, United States
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
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